Page 18 of Mr. January: A Forbidden Romance
A few days later.
My life is fucking over. I keen while curled up in a fetal position in my bed. The shit has hit the fan, and it’s sprayed all over the room now, including in my mouth, nose, throat and hair. There’s no way I can get clean after this.
After all, the fire station wasn’t able to recall the playing cards in any reasonable time period, so now my nude photos are permanently out there for everyone in the world to see. I haven’t seen them pop up on Ebay or Instagram or anything, but still, it’s probably only a matter of time. The digital age is nasty, and they’re going to find their way online, mark my words. It’s just a matter of time.
Even worse, there’s no one to blame but myself for taking those photos in the first place. We managed to discover that Isaac, that absent-minded dumb fuck, apparently clicked the wrong photo on accident when designing the cards. Bam! Now my cock is out there for anyone and everyone to see.
“Here,” Sam says softly, setting down a steaming mug on my bedside table. She’s been staying with me in my apartment since that fateful day. “Baby, I know this sucks right now, but it’s going to be fine—”
“I don’t think it is,” I state in a cold tone. I don’t mean to be unfeeling with her, but I feel so numb right now that it’s hard to sound anything but cold. “The chief called me a few minutes ago and told me that I’ve been let go. He didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. The station had to do it because they can’t have a firefighter who’s also a fucking porn star,” I say in an expressionless tone. Sam blinks.
“Well that’s not fair because you’re not a porn star! It was just a freak accident! Did you explain the situation to him?”
“Yes,” I grind out. “Trust me, he knows all about the investigation. The chief was even sympathetic but you know, what’s done is done. Optics and all that. The fire department has a strict code of conduct and I had to be fired so I guess now I’m out of a career.” I snort. “I’ve been in this line of work for two fucking decades, and this is what happens.”
My shoulders slump because how can life be so cruel? I’ve literally risked my life multiple times on this job, and put it all on the line to rescue others. Yet now, I’ve been fired because of a stupid move from an elderly man who obviously doesn’t have all his marbles. Years of training and working my ass off, bonding with co-workers, losing out on sleep and living off energy drinks at times; all gone because of this? Because an old man’s finger slipped and he hit the wrong button? Fuck me.
Again, it’s my own fault for agreeing to take the steamy snaps in the first place. I could have said no, and looking back, I should have. After all, it was basically dynamite just waiting to blow up. And now, look where that’s gotten me.
I shake my head again, disbelief flooding my veins. I just can’t believe it. Firefighting means everything to me. I’ve spent a good portion of my life doing it, and it’s the only job that I’ve ever been passionate about. What am I going to do now? Go back to school and re-start? Get back into arboriculture and forestry? Again: fuck me.
“Hey,” Sam murmurs gently, rubbing my back. “We’re going to figure this out, okay? I know this situation sucks, and it might not be easy to come to terms with how things have played out, but there’s always a rainbow at the end of the tunnel. Things will be okay, I promise. I love you and you have that at least.”
I grunt loudly. I don’t see how there could be a rainbow at the end of the tunnel in this particular situation because what fire station is going to hire me now? They’d probably all laugh in my face if I showed up to ask for an application. Even worse, they might have some of my playing cards on hand. Imagine if some dickwad pulled it out during an interview. I’d be the laughingstock of that entire team.
But I believe in Sam. She’s stuck by my side through all of this, and that calm demeanor has helped me, even if I’ve been in a permanent bad mood since the discovery.
“Thanks,” I grouse. “I appreciate it.”
The curvy brunette literally lifts the covers and snuggles in beside me.
“Things are going to be fine, Randy,” she breathes in my ear. “Trust me, lover boy. This too shall pass.”
With that, she wraps those soft arms around me and I inhale deeply. A modicum of peace settles over my mind and I relax for a moment because that’s the comfort that Sam brings. She lights up my life and stills my thoughts, and for that, I’m grateful.