Page 14 of Mr. January: A Forbidden Romance
Three months later.
“Right, well, before we start the…oh wait, what comes next?” Isaac mumbles, scratching his head. I share a look with Randy because this doesn’t bode well. Isaac is the photographer for the Cedar Toms Fire Department’s annual calendar this year, but he doesn’t seem to have his act together.
Isaac coughs and gestures around for a few moments as he tries to figure out his next words. “Oh right, the shoot, the shoot,” he murmurs as if he’s trying to remind himself. “Before we start the shoot, we need to get ugh…son, what was your name again?”
“Randy,” my boyfriend says with an exasperated look.
“Randy—yes, right. Before we start the shoot, we need to get Randy here oiled up with well, oil of course,” Isaac states while bending over to pick up a large jug of grease. I can swear that I can hear about two hundred bones cracking as he stands up straight again—or as straight as he can stand with the slight hump in his back. Bless him. I think it’s about time for Isaac to retire, but then he looks up with a sparkle to his eye.
“Here it is!” the old man exclaims as he hands the jug over to me. The thing practically makes me fall over, it’s so heavy. “I take it that you want your girlfriend to oil you up, and not me!” Isaac chortles. Then he turns away. “And while you do that, I’ll be setting up the equipment. Let’s see…I guess I should turn the camera on,” he murmurs to himself as he shuffles over to his desk.
In fact, the camera already looks set up to me, and it’s pointed straight at the white backdrop which is where I assume the photoshoot will take place. But Isaac walks past all this on the way to his desk in the corner, looking befuddled. “Well, it was here just a while ago. Oh! My plants,” He pokes at one of the plants that he has sitting on his desk. “I need to water my plants.”
Despite having a bottle of water sitting right atop his desk, he picks up a mug that I’m pretty sure had previously been filled with coffee and shuffles over to the sink on the other side of the studio to fill it with water. I raise my brows as I look at Randy and swat at my boyfriend as he tries to hold in his laughter.
“Stop that! He’s an older man. Let’s not laugh at his forgetfulness.”
“I’m sorry,” my boyfriend chuckles. “I just can’t believe this is happening. Here I am getting ready to pose half-naked for next year’s firefighting calendar, and the photographer is an old dude who’s cooing over his plants. You have to admit, we might not get out of here until midnight.”
I shush him while urging him towards a small dressing room in the corner. It’s not much more than a curtain on a string, but I pull the fabric closed behind us, giving us a bit of privacy.
“Strip,” I command, and of course, my boyfriend does as told. Mmm, Randy’s hot and I can’t believe I get to be with him every day. After all, we’ve been dating for a few months now, and it’s wonderful. We go out together, enjoying each other’s company, and then repair for the night to either his place or mine. The fireworks haven’t dimmed, and if anything, they’ve grown hotter. Randy’s taught me so much about my body, and I seriously walk wobbly now.
But at the moment, I need to get this perfect male specimen oiled up for the photo shoot. I guess they like the firefighters to gleam under the hot lights, and I pour a drop of oil into the palm of my hand before setting the bottle aside.
“Isaac isn’t that old,” I say in a low voice while beginning to smooth my hands over Randy’s pecs. God, he’s so built and I’m getting hot just doing this. “Or maybe he is, but we should still be nice and pretend that we don’t notice.”
“Yeah, but it’s hard not to notice,” my boyfriend whispers back. “I wonder how he even got hired to do a photoshoot like this in the first place?” Then he rolls his eyes. “God, it was probably the Cedar Toms FD being cheap as usual. They’re always looking to save a penny wherever they can, so they must’ve hired Isaac because he offered a deal or something.”
I try to listen to Randy as he talks but it’s difficult to pay attention while I’m oiling his eight-pack of abs up. Dang, this man is gorgeous and I’m starting to get turned on right now. How did I get so lucky? Then I straighten and look my boyfriend in the eye.
“So, what month do you think you’ll be this year?” I question coyly. “Mr. March? April? November?”
He grins.
“Does it matter? I bet you want me to be Mr. December so that I’ll have to wear a Santa hat with my axe,” he teases.
I roll my eyes as I move on to his bulging biceps. My fingers linger as I stroke those hard muscles, and my nipples tighten. God, my boyfriend is sex personified, and he knows it. Randy grins evilly before reaching over to tweak one hard nub through my thin t-shirt.
“Don’t get too aroused, baby girl,” he growls in my ear. “Wouldn’t want you losing it in front of poor Isaac.”
I merely smile while kneeling in front of him, ready to oil up those strong legs. Mmm, his tool is bulging through his Speedo, and it’s too bad that he’s going to cover it up in those loose firefighting pants. Then again, I don’t know what the Cedar Toms FD wants. Maybe they’ll have their firefighters in Speedos because it’ll bring in more cash. Makes sense, right?
But there’s work to be done, and soon, my man is totally oiled up and ready to go. I shake my head to rid myself of my dirty thoughts as I stand up again. Randy’s hard and ready, but right, there’s business to get to. His bulge is even larger than it was before, but then he pulls on the heavy fabric of his protective trousers and we step out. Isaac looks up, his blue eyes joyous.
“The plants are watered!” the old man announces despite the fact that I’m fairly sure he never got around to watering them. “Everything’s ready. You ready to start the photoshoot?”
“Yeah.” Randy gives me a peck on the lips before going to stand in front of the backdrop. The studio is a little small, but perfect for a simple set-up like this. Aside from Isaac’s desk and the sink, the only other furniture in here are a few chairs and a mini-couch stacked against the back wall, probably to be used as props, as well two large garment racks with tons of clothing and accessories on them.
Randy grabs a red firefighter hat from the rack and puts it on before seizing a prop axe and tucking it into one elbow on his way over to the backdrop. I grin as he begins posing like a natural. He’s gorgeous, and I swear this guy has no bad angles.
Meanwhile, Isaac begins snapping away, cooing encouragement. My man twists and turns, grinning as he heaves the axe over his shoulder, and then pretends to doff his hat. To be honest, if it were me in Randy’s position, I’d feel awkward being the center of attention, but my man seems to enjoy it. I’m glad because he’s definitely going to make a lot of money for the Cedar Toms FD.
After what feels like a million snaps of the shutter, Isaac looks up from his camera.
“Would you like to take that off?”