Page 56 of So I Married a Werewolf
Hugo peeked his head around my office door.
“You look so handsome.” I’d never seen the wolf in a suit before. He must have gone to see our styling team, because he was perfect—his beard had been trimmed, there was a rose in his lapel, and that earthy scent had been mixed with something spicy. Something dangerous.
“You’re as beautiful as ever.”
I almost reminded him we were at work, and that we had to stay professional, especially in front of the cameras. But mating ceremonies did funny things to people. I’d had so much fun spoiling Cindy rotten, and maybe as a reward, I’d let myself be spoiled in return.
“Thank you.” Our gazes locked, but I tore myself away, looking at the myriad of camera shots on my monitor. “I’m worried that Montana will choose tonight to make their statement.”
“No,” he growled. “These new guys are good. They’ve brought threats to my attention my old crew let go on too long. That would’ve been a real problem if we hadn’t had that fight. I hate that those guys betrayed me. I thought if I showed them a better way, they’d want better for themselves. But they’re scared.”
“Don’t apologize for being a decent wolf.” It was far from the first time he had, and I had no doubts it would be the last. Hugo hated making mistakes. “I’m glad you gave them a chance to show their true colors. And I’m even happier that we found a security team that has our best interests in mind. I want everyone to have fun tonight.”
He raised a brow. “Including us?”
“Yes. Especially us.” Which meant I’d have to relax a little. Hugo wasn’t the only perfectionist in the room. “Everything that could’ve gone wrong with this episode did go wrong, and tonight, we still have a couple madly in love, who are about to promise themselves to each other on that stage. Other wolves would’ve looked at the odds and ran away. But we made it happen.”
“We make a hell of a team.”
“We do, don’t we?” I was proud of this little team—Marissa and Bjorn, and especially Hugo. He’d probably had the hardest job on The Mating Game. I’d asked him to stand up to some major players in his pack and change the narrative on Green Mountain. The foolishness that had been tolerated for far too long in that pack was a thing of the past. The viewers would never see Hugo’s contribution to the show, but the Green Mountain wolves would be thanking him for generations.
“I believe you said you’d be my date tonight.” He held up a box with a bow. “Once the ceremony is over, I’ve asked Marissa to take over the production duties. She’s got a team in place. She’ll be coordinating the camera crew—”
“I’m sure Bjorn will love that.”
“Don’t underestimate what Bjorn’s willing to do to make this show a success.” Ah, so the wolf and the bear had talked. I liked to think I knew everything that happened under the umbrella of The Mating Game, but there was no way I could.
As long as we got the couple to the finish line, it didn’t matter how it happened. Nothing had gone according to my plan with this first episode, but if it had, we would’ve missed some really beautiful moments. If I’d had my way, there wouldn’t have been any conflict or drama. But those moments when things looked darkest had brought Logan and Cindy together as a couple.
I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
I opened the box, grinning when I saw the corsage. It was so old school, and so perfectly Hugo. He beamed with pride as he carefully removed it from the box and strapped it around my wrist. His fingers moved gently but firmly, the calloused tips giving me goosebumps as they brushed against my skin.
He felt it too, and that electricity that had passed between us had made the wolf standing in front of me bold. He grinned at me.
“I’ve learned a thing or two about you during the filming of this episode, Bibi.” Each word had the slightest hint of a growl.
I crossed my arms playfully over my chest, being careful not to crush the flowers on my wrist. “Is that so?”
He nodded, but there was no missing the sparkle in his eye. Or the way his scent intensified. “I have. I’ve been watching you, too. Making sure those Montana wolves never had a chance to get close to you.”
“I can fight for myself—”
“But you shouldn’t have to.” That was full-on growl. “You shouldn’t have to look over your shoulder or scope out every room you walk into. You should be able to enjoy the work you do and get to play, too. You put everyone’s happiness before yours. You take chances on wolves everyone else gave up on. You make everyone you come in contact with feel like a million bucks. I’d put myself into a couple of those categories.”
“But I’m good at it.”
“You are. But when are you going to let someone do that for you?”
“Hugo.” I sighed. “The Mating Game is just about to launch. I think we have something really special on our hands—”
“You’re talking about everyone else again.”
I shook my head. “I’m not. I love seeing everyone else happy, but I do this for me, too. Because I see a little of myself in these forgotten, overlooked wolves. I know how hard it is to turn your back on everything you’ve ever known and be yourself. So today is as much for Cindy and Logan as it is for me.”
“I’ll accept that.” Hugo took a step closer. “But that means you have to celebrate, too.”
“I will.” I didn’t shy away from his gaze. “I have to make sure these two get mated. Don’t try to argue with me, wolf. When I left my pack, I had no idea what I was going to do. A drag queen wolf without a pack. I was happy to have a job, let alone an amazing career. I can’t mess this up. We’re helping wolves here, but there are so many we’ll never get to meet that need us. The Mating Game will show them anything is possible. This is important to me.”
“We have a few moments before the ceremony.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and after a few swipes, classic jazz started playing. My favorite. The phone got placed on my desk, and the wolf reached for my hands. “And I know how things can go a little sideways during live events.”
I laced my fingers between his, loving his strong and sure grip. “Are you telling me there’s a threat?”
“No. But I’m making sure you get to celebrate a job well done.” His body was so close to mine, the heat could have melted me. He took the lead, guiding me through the dance moves.
I couldn’t lie, it felt good to dance with this wolf. To let go a little bit on the most important day of my brand-new career. Maybe I could let Hugo wine and dine me a little bit. I’d been afraid to mix business with pleasure, but who was I kidding? I’d created The Mating Game to break all the rules. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to bend a few of my own.