Page 35 of So I Married a Werewolf
The road had yet to be totally paved, and rocks pinged under my car as I started my trip. The village looked so peaceful. Warm light radiated from cabins, and a few plumes of smoke rose from chimneys to battle the chilly spring nights.
It was the first time in a long time I’d looked at my neighbor’s houses without suspicion. I’d been so worried what everyone else thought of me, or what they thought of Pedro, my heart would sink as they approached. Because they never had good news.
But it didn’t matter anymore.
The road was still dark once I left the familiarity of the village. I crawled along slowly, singing along with the music. I hadn’t even thought to change it away from what the kids liked. I laughed and sang louder.
What would Logan say when I surprised him? I’d only been to the studio a couple of times—Bibi usually came to me because it was easier with the kids. I’d seen the interview studio, and I imagined him sitting in the hot seat, telling the world that I was his mate. If it was possible, I’d try to watch the interview from the control room, and then come out when it was over. Bibi wouldn’t be happy with me for just showing up, but a wolf like her understood making things happen no matter what the circumstances.
A thud startled me. Damn. I’d been lost in a Logan daydream and hadn’t been paying attention to the road. I’d hit a rock or a stump or something. I slowed to a stop. There wasn’t any place to pull over, but it shouldn’t be a big deal, because I hadn’t seen another soul since I’d left Green Mountain, so I put the car into park and got out to assess the damage.
My phone’s flashlight was no match for this kind of dark. And of course, I had no signal.
Thank the moon, the tires were all still intact. No hissing, no smoke. I needed to get myself into Sunset Springs because with this road under construction there was no safe place for me to turn around.
A howl pierced the night, stopping me dead in my tracks. More sets of amber eyes than I cared to count glowed in my headlights. I didn’t need to turn around to know there were more wolves behind me.
Familiar wolves. Ones that were probably aching to teach me a lesson.