Page 24 of So I Married a Werewolf
“Don’t get me wrong, I love that Logan wanted to meet the kids today, but after that little bombshell at the park, I didn’t think Cindy would ever let those kids out of her sight again.” My relief was fleeting because my fierce wolf mama wasn’t wrong to be concerned. But I had an agenda. “The transformation is the biggest part of The Mating Game. I can’t have people treating my queen like she’s dirt. If that happens again, shut the camera off immediately.”
“Cindy tends to waver on how dangerous she thinks Pedro is.” Wendy adjusted Charlotte on her hip. Once Bjorn got all the gear out of the van—with the help of his brand-new assistants, Carter and Caleb, he’d drive Wendy and the kids over to the rescue farm. With a big bear like him, everyone was safe. And like hell I wouldn’t let the Colorado Ranch wolves know what was going on. We were on their land. I wasn’t asking them to fight. We had this handled. But no one was getting caught in the crosshairs unaware on my watch.
“It makes sense. She’s been making excuses for his atrocious behavior for years. We’ll get her to where she wants to be, even if she doesn’t know where that is yet.” I’d barely had a chance to talk to her alone. Once I hunted down Hugo to get his side of the story, I’d get to work hunting down the perfect permanent babysitter. The kids liked Wendy, but her episode was next, and she wasn’t looking to be a professional nanny. And I needed Marissa to be working on the show. There were a lot of moving parts to this one and if I didn’t expect Cindy to do everything on her own, I had to lead by example and do some delegating myself.
“I have an idea,” Marissa said. “What if we track down Pedro and talk to him? Find out what he wants?”
Absolutely not. “We don’t negotiate with the enemy. He’s had plenty of chances to explain his side of the story, and this is the method he chose.”
Marissa frowned. “The viewers don’t know that,” she said.
“They’ll know what Cindy tells them. The Mating Game isn’t about looking back, it’s about creating a future our contestants have only dreamed about living in.” I sighed. “You haven’t had any more contact with him, have you?”
“No,” Marissa said quickly. I didn’t want her to be so nervous around me, and I’d have to work on that. “I actually expected to hear from him after the incident on stage, but there’s been no word.”
“Just how I like it.”
“Amen to that. I can’t wait to see who you find for me. You’ll have to look deep though, because I’ve already sampled the local shifters, and none of them have wanted to keep me around.” Wendy winked at me before heading over to the van.
It was just me and Marissa. We had three hours until Logan and Cindy were done with their facials and massages. Logan had managed to send me a text with the idea to give Cindy a makeover, so that bought me a little bit more time before we filmed the rest of the date.
“Let’s head to the deck. I don’t know about you, but one of those coffee drinks with whipped cream on top sounds divine right now.”
“It does.” She bit her lip. “Am I in trouble?”
“No, but for this show to work, it’s imperative that we’re on the same page.” She nodded and followed me out to the deck. It was the middle of the afternoon, and only a few couples were here. Of course they recognized me—after the success of The Real Werewives, I’d be disappointed if they didn’t. But today, we couldn’t afford any distractions.
“We deserve some chocolate cake, too.” I smiled at our waiter. “How about we split a piece, a la mode?”
“That sounds great.” Marissa waited for the waiter to leave. “Are you going to fire me?”
“Did you do something that you should be fired for?”
“I don’t think so.” She struggled to maintain eye contact.
“I adore your unique point of view, Marissa. It will set this show apart. But it did cross my mind the other night when Logan and Pedro appeared on the stage within minutes of each other that the one who had to go was you.”
“I won’t do it again.”
“We didn’t set a clear procedure to vet the contestants. That’s not your fault. It’s mine. For future episodes, you and I will sit down with Hugo and make sure we choose the perfect shifters.” It felt good to get this off my chest. We couldn’t afford another misunderstanding. “And when you come up with these great new ideas, I’m always here to listen.”
“I’m sorry I called Pedro. And hired actors. But it worked! Logan is amazing—”
“He is. And you are too.”
She brightened.
“Something tells me you’re not used to getting second chances.”
“No.” The word was barely audible. Marissa exhaled. “You’re amazing. Thank you.”
“I know.”
“But you’re nervous. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you nervous before.”
“I’ve texted Hugo several times since we were at the park, and I haven’t heard back from him. It’s possible he’s out in the forest in his wolf form.”
“Is that unusual for him?” Our drinks arrived and Marissa took a sip of hers. She closed her eyes for a long blink in appreciation.
“He prefers to be a wolf.”
“What about you? I can’t picture you as a wolf.” She tipped her head and studied me.
“Hopefully, you’ll never see me in my wolf form. I only shift to fight. And these days, I’m more interested in being a lover than a fighter.” I checked my phone again. “I have a message from Hugo.”
Pedro’s hanging around—he says this is his pack, and he’s not exactly right, but he’s not wrong either. These ties go deep. This might be me against the pack.
He doesn’t have the right to push the pack away from Cindy. Or you.
They’re not happy about her bringing an outsider into the pack. They’re still wary after the Montana alliance.
Any sign of those wolves?
I’m picking up on their scent but haven’t seen anything yet. They’re staying in the shadows.
Goosebumps blossomed over my skin. That’s how they like to operate. Wait until a pack gets comfortable before they strike.
But they’d taught me well. I might have acclimated here, but I’d never be comfortable. I’d always be looking over my shoulder.
Me and the guys will keep searching. No one will lay a finger on anyone in this pack. Or you, unless it’s me. When do I get to see you?
Keep it professional, I reminded myself.
Soon. Send your best wolves to watch Cindy.
No one will mess with any of you.
“Good news, it looks like?” Marissa asked.
The cake arrived just in time. “Not exactly.”
“Then why are you smiling like you just woke up on Christmas morning?”
“Because I like it when Hugo gets protective.”
Marissa’s eyebrow shot up. “Are the two of you a couple?”