Page 24 of Killer Love
I’m not sure what has changed but whatever it is, I hope it stays this way. It’s made me feel closer to Lucas, which I didn’t think was possible. Our bond has always been strong but this has made it even stronger.
I’ve always loved Lucas. From the moment I met him he’s been my everything. I didn’t know I could fall more in love with him but with each day I find that I do. I feel closer to him now than ever. He has pulled something out from inside of me that I didn’t know was there. He’s proven to me that he really will do anything to make me happy.
You belong to me. I own you.
My nipples harden, thinking about those words he’d said to me. I do belong to him but hearing him say it awakened something deep within me. Seeing the look in his eyes as he uttered those words of possession had my whole world feeling as though it had tipped over.
To me they were as sweet as when he’d first told me he loved me. They were just as special as when he’d said I do and we vowed to spend our lives together. Some people may not understand it, but that’s how I feel about him claiming me.
I turn from the window, heading for the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. I am never going to get this hat done if I don’t start working on it. Winter will be over before Lucas even gets a chance to wear it. That is probably for the best. Knowing my husband he’d still wear it even if it looks horrible. He’d smile, give me a kiss and wear it until it fell apart, which I’m sure wouldn’t take long, due to my lack of hat making skills.
Adding more marshmallow to the top of my hot chocolate, I head to the living room to sit in Lucas’ recliner while I knit. A knock at the door has me turning to look at the clock. It’s pretty late for someone to be visiting. My sister would have called if she was on her way over. My heart drops as I rush to the door.
My husband isn’t a cop but sometimes things go bad at a crime scene. People are crazy and you never know what could happen. Worry fills my stomach as my pace picks up. I fling open the door to see Detectives Lee and Sanchez standing there.
“What happened? Where is Lucas?” My eyes fill with tears. “Is he okay?”
“Ma’am.” Lee looks at me with a perplexed look.
“Lucas is fine.” Sanchez elbows Lee. “She thinks something happened to her husband. Two cops at your door late at night is never a good sign.”
“Oh. Sorry Mrs. Calvery. I’m sure Lucas is fine. We actually are here to talk to you.”
“You know you can call me Angel.” I wipe my eyes, feeling the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. I’ve never thought about losing Lucas before. I’m not sure that is something I could handle or want to think about. There is so much bad in the world that Lucas is the one person that I can always count on to put a smile on my face at the end of a shitty day.
“Angel.” Lee nods. “Can we have a moment of your time?”
“Of course.” I step back, opening the door. “Can you guys do me a favor and not tell Lucas that I opened the door without looking?” I tease. Well, it’s kind of a tease. He’d redden my ass if he knew that I randomly opened the door without identifying who was on the other side first. He’s always so worried about my safety. “Actually you can tell him.” Lee gives me another one of those perplexed looks.
“Coffee.” I change the subject as I open the door wider, motioning for them to come into the living room. They follow behind me, closing the door behind them.
“No thanks, Angel.” Sanchez looks around our home, her eyes scanning the place. “Nice place you have here.” It is a very nice place. Lucas is good with money. The man is good at anything he puts his mind to.
“Thank you.” I take a seat on the edge of the recliner. Both of them sit on the sofa facing me.
“Where is the doc?” Lee looks around. I start to say at work but wouldn’t they know that? Maybe not.
“He stepped out for a moment.” I fold my hands into my lap.
“Chad Dering,” Sanchez finally says. I cringe at the man’s name. Of course that’s why they’re here. My husband assaulted him in a parking lot full of cameras. Would it really be considered assault? I had been frightened. Chad had basically been holding me against my will. He wouldn’t move out of my way. If you ask me, he had it coming. I’m not so sure the laws would agree with me. I am finding that I don’t agree with a lot of them myself anymore either.