Page 50 of The Marked
The commander—notmy Sebastian, with that stony countenance and icy stillness—stood at the far end of the observatory, looking every inch a leader in his dark red armor, but he held his helmet in one hand, his weapon holstered by his hip.
“How did you get here so quickly?” Silas appeared surprised.
“I have access to a network you can’t even imagine.”
“Not a great one, since you never found me before,” taunted Silas.
“I never cared enough to bother trying until you took something of mine.”
I understood he meant the fetus growing in my womb, and yet, a part of me wanted to think he meant me. While tempted to stare at him—longingly and with apology for the mess I’d caused—I chose to eye my toes instead, clad in hideous yellow shoes with hard toes.
“What makes you think it’s even yours? You know I met her before you did.” Silas slung an arm around me. “She begged me—”
Before he could finish the lie, I stomped on his foot and pushed myself away.
“No! Don’t you dare,” I exclaimed. “I barely knew you then, and I hate you now. You know very well I want nothing to do with you or your so-called revolution.” I spat the truth, vibrating with anger.
“Ungrateful is what you are. I’m the one who saved you,” Silas retorted.
“Only so you could do worse,” I accused.
“And are you also angry at the one who put you in that cell?” Silas pointed at the commander.
“No, because I left him no choice.” I wouldn’t flinch from admitting my faulty actions. I held my chin high. “I should have told the commander about you from the beginning. Should have trusted the man with honor instead of the smooth-tongued liar. I won’t make that mistake again.”
“No one will, because Silas won’t be duping anyone anymore,” Sebastian stated. “The Cabal was correct in that we should have taken care of you once we realized you weren’t suited for the red.”
“Funny how I wasn’t, and yet, you were, Brother.” Silas sneered.
“Brother?” I couldn’t help but repeat what he’d said.
“We are related,” Silas announced. “Same parents. Same genetics. With me older by two years, and yet,heascends to the highest position, while I am somehow brought down almost as low as a Gray.”
“Genetics don’t always account for a person’s mental state. You aren’t fit to lead.” Sebastian’s soft assessment hung in the air.
“Because you tampered with the test!” Silas yelled. “There is nothing wrong with me. I am better than you. After all, look at who is leading the rebellion.”
“That ragtag group?” Sebastian mocked. “I should have known you were the one behind those acts, considering your sloppy choices of targets.”
“I fooled you!” Silas insisted. “You never knew it was me.”
“I did, but I clung to a faint hope I’d be wrong, given we both know what has to happen. Call me sentimental. After all, you are my brother.”
“A brother you demoted.” Silas did nothing to hide his annoyance at the slight.
“It was the only thing I could do to save you. The other fate was worse.”
“Because of your precious rules,” Silas whined.
“Rules that apply to everyone.”
“You’re the commander. You could change them if you wanted. The people listen to you. And when you are gone, they’ll obey me.”
Sebastian’s lips quirked. “You think you can kill me? Because, as I recall, I always bested you in our lessons.”
“Only because you were bigger.” Silas sulked.