Page 17 of The Marked
I enteredthe place the commander called home and gaped. For one, it held furniture. Polished tables big and small. A massive stone counter with cupboards. Chairs with fabric. Even a long chair the likes of which I’d never seen. The floor wasn’t hard but soft and squishy. I dropped to my haunches and ran my hand through the soft bristles.
“That’s a carpet,” the commander explained without being asked. “Take off your shoes before walking on it.” He slid off his polished footwear, and I followed suit.
Unlike the commander, my toes were bare, so when I stepped on the spongy carpet, I exclaimed, “It’s like walking on a cushion. And it’s warm.” The chill I’d endured since putting on the flimsy outfit finally dissipated.
He appeared embarrassed as he said, “I spend enough time in chilly tunnels. I don’t need to freeze at home.”
A pleasurable walk across carpet led me to the far wall comprised entirely of see-through glass. Through it, I could see, with dizzying clarity, the size and breadth of the clustered structures.
“There’s so many habitats,” I murmured.
“New Banff is one of the oldest and largest cities left in the world.”
“Doesn’t look old.”Oldmeant rusted or wrinkled.
“It was rebuilt after the Cataclysm that flooded the world.”
I whirled. “You speak as if I should understand what you mean. But all those words… World. Cataclysm.” I swept a hand. “These aren’t things I’ve been taught.”
“Do you want to learn?”
“Wouldn’t you?” I countered.
His lips twisted into an almost smile. “Yes. I’m a man who seeks out knowledge. If you’re interested, then I will find you some materials to read.”
“What is read?”
His lips flattened. “I see we’ll have to start simpler, then.” For some reason, he seemed annoyed. “Let’s complete the tour.”
The tour involved seeing two sleeping chambers, which he told me I could choose from. Both were huge, carpeted and adorned with the largest, plushest beds I’d ever seen. These beds didn’t get put away in the wall when they weren’t in use.
“How many people am I sharing with?” I asked.
“What about when I am not using the bed?”
“No one.”
I frowned. “Isn’t that a waste of space?” Actually, looking around, the lavish use of resources stood in stark contrast to my previous habitation.
“The perks of being a commander. Are you hungry?” he asked, heading for the counter and the cupboards. I found it interesting he had them out in the open and not hidden in the wall.
“Very hungry. Where do I find my bowl and the dispenser?”
“I have one over there if you want the fake stuff.” He pointed to a thing that resembled nothing like the one I used in the habitat. It had buttons and shiny bits and lights. “But personally, I prefer the real thing.”
Intriguing. “Is it food I can hold while I eat it?”
“Would you like a sandwich?”
“I don’t know. Can you show me?”
He opened a cupboard and revealed shelves piled with objects. He pulled out two disks and placed them on the counter. Then he went to a shinier and much larger cupboard that opened and had a light inside. I neared enough to feel the cold coming from it.
“This is a fridge. It keeps food from spoiling quickly.”