Page 13 of The Marked
Thinking of eating made my stomach grumble. A good thing I’d partaken that morning since I’d not been offered anything since. What did they eat on the surface? Would I get something like my Blue supervisor had that I could hold and bite?
“I need to check on something.” Serena pointed to a bare spot against the wall. “Stay here. Don’t move.”
I doubted I could find my way back out, and even if I could, where would I go?
Serena wandered off, and I tried not to stare too much. I had so many questions. Fear too. Also a surprising amount of excitement.
The woman by my side leaned close and muttered, “Do you know what to expect?”
I shook my head.
Her handler tapped her with a thin wand. “Quiet. Speak only when spoken to.”
The woman rolled her eyes and sighed.
I clamped my lips shut lest I get hit as well. It would seem I’d gotten lucky with Serena, who tolerated and answered my questions.
She returned just as a door at the far end of the hall opened and admitted the first woman in white and her handler. The portal closed, and our line shifted closer.
Would we all have to enter one at a time? Who was in the next room? I wanted to ask, but when I opened my mouth, Serena caught the movement and shook her head.
The questions burned within. Excitement too.
As we waited, it occurred to me that our marks were on display—along with our bodies. The male outfits were just as revealing—and rather disturbing, given the bulge in the groin area of the man I glanced at. Was that where they hid the phallus Serena had spoken of?
She saw me staring and leaned close. “Don’t worry. Most aren’t as endowed as him. He’ll get much bidding, especially since I hear his sperm is especially motile.”
I wanted to ask more, but a sharp glare from the handler alongside us kept me quiet. I bit my inner cheek lest I smile as her marked one stuck out her tongue without her handler seeing it.
All too soon, my turn arrived, and we stepped through the door. I inwardly trembled, but at least I didn't freeze in fear. It helped that I’d not heard any screaming. Nor was there any blood on the floor of the room we stepped into. There were a lot of lights, though. Too bright for me to see beyond them.
I shaded my eyes, trying to make sense of the room. Voices murmured. People heard but not seen.
Serena gave me a little shove. “Walk to the end of the runway, pause, then come back and stand on the circle and wait.” She indicated a painted spot on the floor.
I hesitated, and she pushed me again, meaning I stumbled before taking a step. Then another. I glanced side to side, wishing I could see. Moisture pearled on my skin, and yet, I tensed with cold.
It took forever to reach the edge of the floor, where I paused, close enough to the lights that I could almost see past them. There were people here, and while I might be blinded, they could see me.
The murmurs of their voices rose and fell, with laughter breaking through, mostly the deeply masculine kind.
Someone said loudly, “She’s got nice breasts,” and my cheeks warmed with shame. I knew about shame because they’d taught that to us at a young age to ensure we didn’t give in to pride.
I wrapped my arms around my chest as I whirled and almost ran back to the circle. My heart raced as I stood on the spot, back to the audience.
I could see Serena, hidden to the side, gesturing at me to turn. I couldn’t do it.
I shook my head, and my defiance only increased the jeering and rude remarks.
“Dumb deep dweller. Little better than an animal,” someone shouted.
More insults followed. Most I didn’t understand, and I was glad for it as I stood there with my head bowed, wishing I was anywhere but here. Being a Marked didn’t appear to be the coveted reward some claimed.
I didn’t react until Serena reached for me and said softly, “It’s over. Come.”
“Where to?” I asked through numb lips. “What will happen now that no one wants me?”
“Who said no one wants you?” She arched a brow as she led me through a different door to an empty hall. “You got five offers.”