Page 79 of Locked (Savage Men 2)
She mumbles to herself for a few seconds. “Well, then we can always get someone to fly to your island or go there with a boat. Maybe like once a month.”
“But who would do that? With an isolated island?”
“Who wouldn’t if you pay them?”
I open my mouth, but I can’t think of a good answer.
She’s right.
I am making shit up not to go.
Why? Because I’ve been so attached to the easiness of my life living in the city that I’ve grown attached to the simple things.
But do they really matter if it means giving up the only person in this world who could make my heart stop?
“But my job—”
“You can quit,” she interrupts.
“Juliet.” Her voice is stern now. Just like I remember it being when she was scolding me for not doing my best. “Stop making excuses for yourself. He makes you happier than anything else. I’ve never seen you as happy as when you were with him. As much as I’d like to say he’s bad for you, you two belong together.”
I smile, wiping away the tear rolling down my cheek. “Thanks, Mom. It means a lot to me.”
She’s right.
Why do I let all these things hold me down?
We can create a solution for everything.
“Oh shush, don’t make me cry too,” Mom says. She chuckles and so do I as I sit down on the bed and look at myself in the mirror.
And for the first time in a long time, I’m happy with the person I see.
Accompanying Song: “When She Came Back” by Max Richter
Weeks later
I reel in the fish with the net I wove, but only one flounders at the bottom. It’s enough for one person, I guess.
Sighing, I pull it up and throw it into the box, ready to cast out my net again.
I hope there’s more fish coming soon because otherwise I’m going to need to hunt too. I was really looking forward to just relaxing in my hut, but I guess that’s not going to happen now.
Although I guess I should be happy my hut survived.
The men who came to the island to clean up the bodies and the helicopter made it seem like nothing ever happened. I’m surprised they left my hut alone.
I clear my throat and focus on the task at hand.
In the distance, I notice something approaching.
I shade my eyes with my hands and look beyond. That’s strange. I’ve never seen a boat come this close. Not since …
I swallow away the lump in my throat when the memory of her resurfaces. I can’t think about her. She’s happy where she is, where she belongs. Even though I would’ve died to keep her with me, she was never at home here. We’re two different people with different needs, and when those don’t align … nothing can be done.
I have to move on. Forget about her.
It’s the best thing to do right now.
After all, she’d want me to be happy.
Like I want her to be.
However, even as I’m fishing, I can’t stop staring at the approaching boat. What is it doing here, so close to the shore? Are they here to collect something she left on the island? Or are they here to come and get me?
A shiver runs up and down my spine, but I ignore it and focus on the task at hand. The fish don’t want to come into my net, and it’s pissing me off. I’m about to go grab my newly made spear again when I notice the boat has stopped somewhere near the shore … but a smaller boat is approaching now.
Inside it are two people. One is steering while the other one holds a bag.
I can’t tell who they are, but I still don’t trust it.
Not one bit…
Until the one with the bag stands up.
Her short hair floats in the wind, a breeze picking up underneath her dress, making it flow beautifully. And the smile that follows when we stare into each other’s eyes is one that makes my heart stop.
I’d never forget that smile.
Not in a million years.
I drop my net into the water, not giving a shit about the fish anymore.
She jumps out of the boat, leaving her bag behind with the man steering the boat.
I run into the water, just like her.
I don’t feel the cold, or the stinging underneath my feet, or the sun burning on the top of my head. All I feel is the adrenaline rushing through my body as I rush into the water, deeper and deeper.
Nothing can stop me from reaching her.
Not even the waves crashing into me.
She wades toward me in her dress, which clings to her skin as her body gets wetter and wetter. But none of it will beat the smile on her face.
That face … I thought I’d never see it again.
I can’t go fast enough, and once I’m close enough, my hands can’t help but grasp for her and pull her into my embrace.