Page 48 of Locked (Savage Men 2)
“Bullshit. I ate that too, and I feel fine. You’re sick. That’s dangerous here.”
“I know,” I say as he pushes me inside and closes the door behind us. “Why do you think I want to go home?” I blurt out.
His eyes narrow, and he sighs too now.
Shit. I didn’t mean for that to come out so badly.
“I’m sorry, I—”
“Stop,” he interrupts. “You don’t have to say it. I know what you want.”
I swallow and sit down on the bed, gazing down at my feet. I wish I could’ve met him under different circumstances. In a different place. Maybe then things would’ve been a lot easier.
But would we have been the same people?
Would he have been so caring?
I doubt it.
All the men I’ve met up until now were assholes who only wanted me for my body. None of them were in it for the long game. But Lock? He doesn’t even seem to care about my looks or what I’m wearing or how sexy I am. He looks at me in a way only a lover would.
He pays attention to the words I speak and doesn’t laugh at me.
He takes me seriously … and I appreciate that.
But can this ever be more than just a thing?
I don’t even know what to call it.
I just know I’m in deep trouble, and I don’t know how to get out of it.
He sits down on the bed beside me and says, “Please …” He places a hand on my leg. “Rest a little. Let me do the work today. I want you to be okay.”
“But …” I have so many things to do.
Wash my clothes and the banana leaves. Gather more food. Continue my work on my boat.
He gently tips my chin up and says, “What do you want me to do? Ask, and I’ll do it.”
The smile he gives me makes butterflies scatter in my stomach.
Shit. Why do I feel this way around him?
I smile and look away, trying to ignore this warmth growing inside me. “I need a boat.”
He frowns. “A boat? Why?”
I nod.
“Oh …” Finally, it sinks in with him. “Right. You still want off this island.”
I bite my lip as it’s quiet for a few seconds.
“Lock, what if I’m sick?”
“Then I’ll take care of you.” I appreciate the sentiment, but what if it’s worse?
“What if that’s not enough?” I say. “What if it gets bad? Really bad?”
His face contorts as if he’s having a difficult time processing it. “You mean …?”
“What if it’s a virus? What if I have an infection?”
“Virus?” He frowns. “What’s that?”
“Something bad. Tiny animals in the air that do damage to your body on the inside.”
“Animals?” He grabs his spear. “I’ll hunt them.”
I chuckle but hide my laughter behind my arm when he glares at me.
“It’s not funny. I’ll do it.”
“You can’t. They’re practically invisible.”
“Invisible? How? What kind of monster can’t be seen?”
“Not technically,” I say, taking in a breath. “They’re just super small, so small you can’t see them. But they exist. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“But … how are you supposed to get better then?” he asks.
“Medicine, Lock. If I’m really sick, I’ll need medicine.”
“Where can I find it?” he says, making a fist with his hand. “I’ll search.”
“Not everything can be found on this island. I already looked. There are only a handful of herbs. Some of them to kill pain and inflammation, others for headaches, and some for stomach aches. Not much else. The only way to get them is to go …”
“Home,” he mumbles, looking away into the distance.
I nod, but the sad look in his eyes breaks my heart. I don’t want him to be sad. Not even when it’s better for me to be there than it is to be here. Right now, I don’t even know what I want anymore.
I place a hand on his cheek and say, “But I’m not that sick yet. Maybe it’ll be all right.”
He immediately brightens. “Could it be something else?” he asks.
“Well …” I blush. “Maybe … I could be …” I place a hand on my stomach and rub it gently.
“Pregnant?” he asks.
Sucking on my bottom lip, I mumble, “I don’t know. I hope not.”
Fuck, why did I have to have sex without protection again?
“Why not? That would be amazing,” he says, placing a hand on my stomach too. “My baby … Our baby.”
“No,” I say, pushing him away. “I can’t be pregnant here.”
“But you’re my woman,” he says, grabbing my chin, forcing me to look at him. “You belong to me.” He presses a kiss to my lips, and I’m helplessly melting into a puddle right in front of him.
How can I resist this man?
This savage who takes what he wants and claims it as his?
It’s the ultimate compliment, yet it doesn’t feel right.
How can I say yes to this when the world goes on beyond this island?