Page 3 of Locked (Savage Men 2)
And a scowl that could make predators flee.
I almost tumble backward but manage to recapture my footing just in time. Because he was in the middle of bending over. He stops and narrows his eyes at me, but I can’t help but notice the spear in his hand.
What the hell?
I can’t just stand here and stare, so I force myself to speak. “Help me.”
He stares back at me.
That’s all he does … just stands there and stares back at me.
So I add, “Please.” My voice weakens under his rigid gaze. I sound like a damn mouse.
His lip twitches, and he arches his back, towering over the pit like some kind of prison guard.
Why won’t he help me?
“Let me out,” I say.
Still, no response. All I get is that same stare …
I swallow it down like a tough pill.
If he won’t help me, then I’m sure he’s the one who put me here.
“Who are you?” I ask, my voice still barely audible. I’m finding it very hard to even open my mouth with that … man staring at me. His mere presence gives me the chills.
He cocks his head slowly, but still no response.
Why won’t he answer me?
What’s his problem?
I need to get out of here, and he’s looking at me like he doesn’t even know whether I’m human. Like he … doesn’t want me out.
I swallow away the lump in my throat and ask, “Did you put me in here?”
The stern look on his face speaks volumes, and I back away slowly, huddling close to the other side of the pit. As far away as I possibly can from him.
Accompanying Song: “If I had A Heart” by Fever Ray
Her eyes bore into mine with equal ferocity. I wonder what she thinks when she sees me… if she’s afraid.
She should be.
I’m not here to be the nice guy.
I’m protecting my land.
Who is this woman, and why did she come here?
I have so many questions, but when I open my mouth, I stop myself. I don’t want to give her the idea that I’m going to be gentle. I’m anything but gentle.
She came into my jungle with fire and destruction, and I don’t trust her one bit.
Judging from the way she’s huddled in the corner of the pit, that feeling is mutual.
I want her to be scared.
For now, at least.
I don’t know what I’m going to do with her yet.
If I should let her go, or if I should kill her.
Kill …
Normally, it comes so easily to me. However, her eyes make me question my own judgment. I wouldn’t bat an eye at killing a man. Not a single second spent on regret.
But a woman? I’ve never killed a woman.
And I’ve definitely never thought of killing one as pretty as she is.
“Answer me,” she says out of nowhere.
Right … she’s asked me a few questions, but I have no intention of answering. Not until I decide what to do with her.
Especially not if she’s already forgotten why she’s here in the first place.
“Why did you put me in here?” she growls from her corner. “Where am I?”
I love the sound of her voice.
It’s very … innocent. But raw too. I can sense the insecurity. Smell the fear.
It makes my blood rush.
Does she even know what she did?
Did she forget how she ran away and then attacked me out of the blue? I still have the scratch marks on my face and chest.
From the looks of it, she probably doesn’t even remember.
Maybe she was in shock. Or maybe she really is dangerous.
She doesn’t look like it, though.
In fact, she looks very appetizing with those plump, red lips, short, wavy, dark blond hair, and that sweet, round face.
But what if she brings more destruction and ruins my only home? More … people?
I shake my head and look away. It’s hard to make decisions when she’s gawking at me like that. This is the first time in a long while I’ve been faced with something, and I don’t know how to proceed.
Guess I’ll take some time to think.
Chapter Two
Accompanying Song: “Hydraulic Lift” by Johann Johannsson
The longer he stares at me, the more pissed off I get. Why won’t he answer me?
My body feels as if it’s been through a garbage disposal. If he knows something—anything—I need to know.
Regardless of whether he put me here. Which is strange, to say the least.
Because who in their right mind would trap another human being in a pit?
I frown, watching him watch me.
I wish I could force him to talk, but I don’t have any leverage.
The only thing I can do is wait until he finally decides what he’s going to do with me.
I hope it doesn’t take long because I should see a doctor. I don’t know what happened, but I remember the fire … and the pain.
Everything about this is wrong, and he’s probably the only one who knows what happened.