Page 62 of Worse Than Enemies
Everything seems so far away by the time I’m a few rungs from the top. “This better be good,” I mutter, willing myself not to look down.
“It is. Trust me.”
I get to the top of the ladder and look out over the board. “There’s nothing here. Son of a bitch, why are we doing this?”
“Keep going. Unless you want me to fall.”
“Right now? Don’t tempt me.” I hold on to the railing running along the outer edge of the platform. My knees are shaking, my stomach flip-flopping around. “I think I’m going to faint.”
“No, you won’t. Take deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. You’ll be fine.” He’s standing in front of me now, but my eyes are closed, so I can’t see him. Right now, I don’t want to. I’m too irritated and, frankly, scared out of my wits.
“Why am I up here?” I ask in a whisper once it feels less like I’m going to wet myself.
“I wanted to get you alone. Someplace exciting.”
“Exciting?” I blurt out a laugh that echoes around the cavernous space. “That’s a word for it.”
“Excitement makes everything better. More intense.” Am I dreaming, or is he touching my ass? I’d jerk myself away, but where can I go?
“You’re joking, right? You can’t mean it.”
“I do.” His caress turns to a grope, and a rough one at that. “I’ve been teaching you all about what to do with this body of yours. What it can feel like. It’s time for another lesson.”
“What would that be?” I ask. My heart’s fluttering so fast I have to take deep breaths again or else pass out.
“On your knees. I’ll show you.” When I hesitate, he goes from groping my ass to gripping my shoulders and pressing down. I don’t have a choice. He must really have a death wish if this is his idea of a good time.
“Good girl.” Hayes runs his fingers over my cheek, letting them fall away so he can use them on his zipper. It should set my teeth on edge, him calling me a good girl. Like I’m something he can own. The way he marked me with his bite and all that.
So why doesn’t it? In fact, the familiar tingles are building between my thighs.
“Pull your lips over your teeth,” he instructs while he pulls himself out of his shorts. “That’s the first lesson. No teeth.”
I nod, my heart hammering now. I’m seriously supposed to do this? I know better than to think he’s only messing around to see how far I’ll let him go before I refuse. No matter how much I wish that was exactly what he’s doing.
“Take it slow. Relax your throat. I won’t fuck your face up here.”
He snickers before taking my hand and wrapping it around him. He’s been inside me more than once. I shouldn’t be so surprised it feels like this. Stiff, but delicate. I don’t think he’d like hearing that, so I keep my thoughts to myself.
“Now start slow.” Hayes coaxes me by using a hand on the back of my head. “Use your tongue on the underside.” He inches into my mouth, and I do as he says with my tongue. He lets out a deep groan and, dammit, the tingling intensifies. I want to please him. I actually do.
“Somebody could come in any time.” He doesn’t let up on the pressure, holding my head with one hand and easing himself in as deep as I can take him. “Doesn’t that get you a little wet? You can admit it.”
I moan with him in my mouth, and he groans louder. “Fuck. That feels good. Keep going. Don’t let up the pressure.” It’s a lot to keep track of all at once, but I think I’m getting the hang of it. I’m not even as scared of being up high. The platform is sturdy.
His hips move and the hand on my head takes hold of my hair. “Don’t stop. Fuck, yeah. Suck my cock.” I’m choking and can’t help gagging, but he won’t stop. I can’t pull my head away with him holding so firmly.
“I’m going to come,” he grunts. My eyes go wide, but I can’t see him. I can’t tell him not to. “You’re gonna swallow it. Let it go down your throat. Don’t fight it.”
Don’t fight it. That’s easy for him to say. I try like hell to loosen my throat while his thrusts get shorter, sharper.
Then he pushes all the way back to my throat and suddenly my mouth is flooded with a slightly salty, warm fluid. I gag on it but force myself to swallow it down with the sound of his happy groans ringing in my ears.
“Good job.” He sighs. “Not bad for your first try. You’ll get better with practice.” He loosens the grip on my hair, now stroking it. I can’t help but feel proud. Glad he’s happy with me. How much more fucked up is this going to get?