Page 58 of Worse Than Enemies
I look like hell this morning because I spent the night wishing he would open up and let me help him in a way that’s healthier and doesn’t involve me living naked on his phone.
My phone buzzes while Salem’s ordering her coffee. The site of Franky’s name makes me feel guilty. I don’t know what Hayes’s problem is with him lately or why he’d be jealous of the time we spent together, but now I understand why he wouldn’t sit with us at the concert. I figured the guys were joking about the bro code or whatever they were talking about. Maybe it’s a real thing.
You left too early yesterday. Theo decided to throw a party Saturday night. You in?
There goes the guilt again. I deserve to have fun without wondering what Hayes will think about it. It’s more than that. Like wondering if Franky likes me. I don’t feel that way about him. Am I leading him on when I accept an invite like this?
“What’s up?” I didn’t realize Salem was watching.
“Something about a party at Theo’s this weekend.”
“Oh, yeah, he texted me about it last night when I got home. Do you want to go?”
“Sure.” So long as Franky doesn’t think this is a date or anything, it might not piss Hayes off too much. “We’ll go together.”
Theo’s house is even bigger than Franky’s. It’s bigger than mine, too, and built to look like a villa or something. Very opulent. I wouldn’t be surprised to see armed guards at the doors. There’s fancy artwork on the walls with lights shining on them to show them off.
“Is it a good idea to have a party in a house like this?” I ask Salem as we walk through the very grand foyer.
“Everything is insured.”
I guess that makes it all better. There are still so many things I don’t understand about this world. If I were throwing a party with all this artwork around, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy a minute. I’d be too busy trying to make sure no one breaks anything.
“I guess this is a pro-coaster house.” When all Salem does is quirk an eyebrow at me, I shake my head. “Never mind.”
It takes a while to find Theo, who’s hanging out on the back patio. And I thought Mr. Ambrose’s patio was nice. There’s a big screen set up on one end, with couches and pillows and chairs where a bunch of people are hanging out and watching porn, of all things. A pair of girls I recognize from chemistry class currently flank Theo. They’re sort of draped all over him.
“Hey, you’re here.” Theo looks a little disheveled, and I’m wondering how much fun he’s already had with them tonight.
“Seriously?” Salem rolls her eyes at the gangbang currently going on in front of us. “Charming entertainment.”
“It’s my job to keep my guests happy.” Theo disentangles himself from the girls and gets up. “Drinks, ladies?”
There’s a huge bar set up out here, and on the other side of it is the pool. You can swim right up and get yourself a drink if you want to. Obviously, his parents know how to party.
I’m about to ask for a beer when Hayes climbs out of the pool. I didn’t see him until now. I didn’t know he was already here and wasn’t expecting him this soon. There goes any hope of actually enjoying myself tonight. Not when he has this look in his eyes, like he wants to light me on fire from across the patio.
“Morgan?” Theo prompts.
I walk over to the bar, nodding. “Yeah, I’ll take a beer.”
“You sure you should be drinking?” Hayes walks over, toweling off.
“Is it any of your business?” I ask before regretting it. All it takes is a twitch of an eyebrow and I remember the picture. I can’t piss him off.
“Come on, man. Nobody wants to hang around with the overprotective brother.” Theo winks, holding out a bottle, but Hayes intercepts and takes it for himself.
Theo opens his mouth like he wants to argue, but I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.”
“You’re in a mood tonight,” Salem observes with a sour look. “What’s your problem now?”
“Hi, to you, too, Salem.” Hayes isn’t looking at her. He’s too busy staring hard at me as he takes a gulp of the beer that was supposed to be mine.
“What did I miss?” Franky strolls out, already holding a plastic cup full of something or other that I guess he got from the kitchen.
I glance at Hayes in time to see him give Franky a death stare. Is he seriously that hung up on us being friends?
Theo answers the question before anybody else gets the chance to. “Family drama. It’s not boring at all.”
“No drama here.” Hayes takes another swig of beer. “Right?” he asks me.