Page 42 of Worse Than Enemies
“You want to pay extra for me breaking the speed limit?”
All I can do is drop back against the seat and pray I have enough time to at least get through most of the exam. Otherwise, I’m going to have to pull all As for the rest of the semester to get a decent grade. How did this happen? I set two alarms every night, for fuck’s sake, and I know I did last night. It’s routine by now. I don’t even think about it.
The halls are empty when I arrive, and I run to the classroom while checking the time. Shit. There’s only fifteen minutes left in class.
And when I reach the classroom, the door is locked. Frustrated, helpless tears well up in my eyes. How did this happen? I worked so hard.
The teacher sees me through the window and rises from his desk but takes his time crossing the room. Dragging it out, the jerk. He only opens the door far enough to stick his head through. “Nice to see you today.”
“I’m so sorry. My alarm didn’t go off, and—”
“I really don’t want to hear it. This is the second time this week you’ve been late for class.” He means Monday, when I spent the first ten minutes trying to get coffee out of my clothes.
“But it wasn’t my fault. I’m telling you, I’m ready to take the test. I overslept, is all.” I have no shame at this point, so I clasp my hands in front of my chest. “Please, can I take it? I’ll stay after school if I have to, or I’ll come in early tomorrow.”
“I think I was pretty firm when I laid out the rules for my classroom,” he reminds me in a tight, prissy little voice that makes me want to scream.
“But it’s not my fault. I didn’t deliberately miss the test.”
“And it wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the class if I gave you extra time to study.”
“I’m not trying to get extra time. I only want the chance to take it.”
“You’re going to have to learn to live with the consequences of your actions. Next time, make sure to set your alarm. I don’t know what else to tell you.” He doesn’t look or sound sorry. If anything, he looks almost pleased with himself as he steps back, prepared to close the door.
And just over his shoulder is a very familiar face. I can’t believe it took me this long to put it together. Hayes’s smile and the little wave he gives me behind the teacher’s back tell me why I overslept today. It’s not enough what he did last night. He can’t stop at taking my virginity the way he did, so hard I’m aching this morning.
He had to turn off my alarms to make sure I wouldn’t get to school on time.
The fucking nerve. Making sure I know he did this.
Before Mr. Collins closes the door all the way, I flip Hayes off to make sure he knows how I feel about him. As if last night wasn’t proof of how cruel he can be. He had to drive the point home. Why did I ever think he was redeemable?
“Morgan!” The teacher’s voice rings out like a shot, echoing in the otherwise empty hall. “What do you think you’re doing? Don’t pretend I didn’t see what I know I saw.”
Fuck me. Hayes ducks his head but the shaking of his shoulders tells me he’s laughing along with most of the other kids in class.
“I’m sorry—”
He cuts me off. “Wait here. Don’t move an inch.” I have to stand and endure the humiliation while he scrawls something on a piece of paper, which he then folds in half and staples closed before bringing it to me.
“Take this down to the principal’s office and don’t think I won’t call down to see if you went. I’ll be checking to make sure my message was delivered.” He slams the door shut before I can tell him I will.
Dammit. Damn Hayes, damn me, damn the whole thing. This time I’m dragging my feet down the hall because I know this isn’t going to be good.
It isn’t.
“Is this true?” Mr. Bradley holds up the note. “You made a lewd gesture to another student?”
“Yes, I did.” My face is burning, and I have to fight off tears. The sense of being powerless is enough to make me want to throw myself on the floor and weep.
“There were no reports like this in the records from your former school. By all accounts, you were an exemplary student. What’s changed?”
I have to bite my tongue before I can ask how much time he has. “It’s been a tough adjustment.”
He tents his fingers under his chin. “I see. I imagine it would be. I should have checked in with you before now, but there’s never a dull moment around here. Are you experiencing any bullying?”