Page 38 of Worse Than Enemies
It also pisses me off. Who does she think she is? He’s way too good for her, even with all his problems.
“You’ll have to let me know?” Madison puts her free hand on her hip, looking me up and down. “No, honey. That’s not how this works. If I tell you I want to hang out with you, you thank me for the privilege.”
Salem heaves a sigh. “Go choke on a dick, Madison.”
“Fuck you, Salem. Last time I checked, he tired of you pretty quick.”
“Yeah, except now he actually talks to me, while he only avoids you,” Salem responds. “But I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything.”
That’s when I make a mistake. I can’t help it. A tiny giggle bubbles up in my throat before I can stop it.
Madison glares at me. “You just lost your chance,” she warns before marching away. Harper and the other girls look at me like I’m garbage before following on her heels.
“Sorry,” I call out, but she doesn’t want to hear it. Not like I actually mean it, either. It feels like the right thing to say. It’s not like I meant to offend her.
Though she kind of deserved it.
“Don’t apologize to her.” Salem’s eyes are sparkling, her cheeks pink. “That felt good. I should have said that to her a long time ago.”
“You’re in a great mood today.”
“Why not? I’ve got a new man, and he’s got a big dick.” She holds her hands at least eight inches apart. “I’m surprised I can walk. Anyway, I gotta go. I don’t feel like wearing this uniform around school all day, so I have to run.” She’s gone before I can even say goodbye for now.
At least we’re still friends, and she still has my back. That thought gives me a little courage as I walk down the hall after getting my iced latte. I don’t know what I would do without these things.
A bunch of jocks come out of the locker room further down the hall when I’m a few steps away from the classroom, with their king at their center. Dammit. I almost beat him to it. Hayes’s eyes narrow when he sees me. Unfortunately, I don’t know the guys he’s with. If it was Franky or Theo, I’d feel a little more comfortable. Instead, they sneer and elbow each other knowingly.
“Looks like you dried off,” one of them says, because stating the obvious is so funny.
“Yeah, I figured I’d put on dry clothes.”
“I don’t know. You looked better coming out of the pool.” Another of the guys waves his phone at me. “And I have the proof.”
“Good for you.” The idea makes me quake inside, but I’ll be damned if I let him know. “Enjoy. I’m sure your hand was glad my picture did some of the work for it.”
A couple of girls going into the classroom laugh when they hear me say it, which gives me extra courage. Maybe Salem is rubbing off on me.
Hayes, on the other hand, isn’t laughing. He makes a move like he’s trying to get around me and into the classroom, but very deliberately slams into me. Suddenly, I’m drenched in ice-cold coffee.
“Whoops,” he says, while I stare down at myself in horror. “Seems like you can’t be around me without getting wet.”
I don’t know what comes over me. Frustration? Disappointment in him? Not to mention knowing my clothes are ruined, and I’ll have to wear them throughout the entire day.
Whatever it is, it inspires me to throw my empty cup at the back of Hayes’s head when he turns around. “You fucking asshole!” I shriek.
“What is this?” Principal Bradley marches our way. I didn’t know he was nearby. “That sort of behavior won’t be tolerated in this school.”
I gulp, glancing at Hayes to find him looking around like he’s completely surprised. Meanwhile, everyone who surrounded us five seconds ago scatters into their classrooms like roaches when the lights come up. Now it’s only me and Hayes, who rubs the back of his head for effect. Because I’m sure an empty plastic cup really hurt him.
The principal looks down at the floor, then at my coffee-soaked clothes. “What happened?”
“Uh, it’s just that I—” I glance at Hayes, who watches with an arched brow. I could tell him exactly what happened, but what would it mean for him? I can’t forget the fight he had with his dad.
That’s why I only tell part of the truth. “I spilled my coffee, and Hayes laughed. I got upset.”
“And you believe that is a reason to throw something at his head?”
“I’m sorry. I overreacted.”
“To say nothing of the language you used. I understand you’re new here, Morgan, but what you’ve done directly violates our code of conduct.”
“I’m sorry.”
He looks down at the floor again. “Accidents happen. I’ll have the janitor clean this up. And if I were you, I would think long and hard about how I conduct myself around here. I’ll let this go, but I want you to apologize to Hayes.”