Page 32 of Caged (Savage Men 1)
And if he doesn’t want to escape, who knows, maybe he’ll become useful to us in another way … someday.
Suddenly, a beep is audible. Syrena and I both try to find the sound; she listens with her ears while I watch the door. But nothing happens.
Not there, anyway, because in our cages, the showers just turned on.
Water pours from the ceiling, and Cage pulls off his tank top and shorts, standing butt naked in the cell once again. It doesn’t even faze me anymore. I’m just impressed that he casts away his shame so easily. I wish I knew how to do that.
I wish I could just shower without feeling watched.
But I can’t.
I can’t help but stare at him, hoping I might have the courage to step underneath like he does. Because when I touch the warm water with my hand, I want nothing more than for the water to engulf me and take away the grime of the cell surrounding me.
Syrena stays in bed, mumbling, “I can’t get up. Fuck the shower. Fuck this whole place. Just fuck.”
I can’t help but snigger. I like how often she says fuck. It brings some much-needed reality back into this place.
Cage glances at me, beckoning me with just a head nudge toward the shower. I shake my head, and he nods at it again. I know I should shower when possible, but it just feels weird to undress in front of strangers. Especially in front of Cage.
He furrows his brows and sighs then turns around, facing away from me.
I don’t think it’s random, and he didn’t look upset.
He’s trying to make it easier for me.
I lick my lips and tentatively pull down my clothes, hoping he won’t notice. But he doesn’t turn around once. Not when I’m completely nude. Not when I step under the shower. Not when I look at his muscular back and ass … which is very firm, by the way.
What the hell, Ella? No.
I shake my head and allow myself to enjoy the warm water scattering on my skin. I close my eyes and transport myself back to my home, pretending I can smell the liquid soap I use. Pretending I can see the light coming from the windows, and feel the white stones on the wall. I pretend because it’s the only way to survive.
When I open my eyes again, I can clearly see Cage glance at me over his shoulder. But he immediately looks away the moment I catch him staring.
A blush spreads on my face as I cover my body with my arms, wondering what he’s thinking. If he feels the same buzzing feeling I do whenever I look at him. If he still yearns to touch me the way he did back when the door opened.
I wonder when it’ll happen again.
Last time, it was right after he showered.
The water feels hotter than before, but maybe it’s because I’m sweating. Why? Because it just dawned on me that this could be it.
This could be the exact moment Graham flips that switch.
He’s done it before … and I’m sure he’s going to do it again.
I quickly step out of the shower and dry off with a hand towel I received through the box yesterday. I put on my dress and stand in the corner, glaring at the door and walls. I wonder when he’ll come inside and tell us it’s time.
I wait and wait.
Soon the showers turn off, and Cage dries off too.
I’m still staring at the wall, waiting …
But nothing happens.
Except for when that one voice suddenly booms from the walls.
“Last. Chance.”
It’s him. It’s Graham.
I turn my head and watch the black door unlock.
Chapter Fifteen
Accompanying Song: “Hurts Too Good” by Ruelle
I hold my breath as both Cage and I gaze at the black doors. I know he heard it too. The click that sets the lion loose.
I glance at him then back at the door and at Syrena, wondering if she heard.
Before I know it, Cage has made a run for it.
He doesn’t even take the time to put on shorts or a tank top.
I realize if I want to stop him I should block the door, but by the time my legs actually move, he’s already stormed into my room.
It’s too late now.
We’re face to face again.
Something indescribable overwhelms me as I stand frozen in a corner, staring at his chiseled body, his v-line … and what’s below that. His length bounces up and down the moment I glance at it.
I swallow away the lump in my throat when I look up and see him staring straight back at me. I know he saw me looking. I’m just shocked anyone could walk around like that and not give a shit. But he can. And he wants me to see him.
He strides toward me, and I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.