Page 22 of Caged (Savage Men 1)
I shake my head and put it out of my mind.
But then the door at the end of the room opens, and Graham pops in. Just his head. “I’m proud of you,” he says. “You did well.”
Cage doesn’t respond.
“You,” Graham says, looking at me now, “put on the blue dress and the lipstick.” He snaps his fingers.
I quickly get up and do what he says before I get in trouble. I don’t know why he wants me to do this, though. I don’t understand any of it.
Cage doesn’t seem to react to the man being here either. He just stares at the water on the floor pooling at his feet while his hand rests on the glass prison. Blood mixes with water as it disappears into the drain, and I can’t help but wonder … Did he really fight that man because he wanted to? Or is there some other reason?
It doesn’t take long for me to find out.
“Here’s your reward.”
Graham presses a button, and the shower stops running. While Cage grabs a towel to quickly dry off, Graham presses another button … And the black door from the glass cage to the room beyond opens for him.
And it also opens for me.
Chapter Ten
Accompanying Song: “The Girl With All The Gifts” by Cristobal Tapia de Veer
Like a wolf that’s sniffed its prey, my nostrils flare with excitement at the sight of the open door. Finally, after all this time, she’s mine.
I rush to the door like a rabid animal, wanting to claim her this very instant.
I can’t wait any longer. I want her so badly; I feel like I’m about to explode with need, so I storm through the door, ready to take her.
I kick the door to my cage closed and march toward hers. I ignore everything else in the room and focus solely on getting to her. I peer around the corner through the opening. There she is.
My woman.
My Ella.
I rush to her, not giving a shit that Syrena is yelling at me, asking what’s going on. I want her. No, I need her.
I want to bury myself deep inside her and hear her moans as I fill her with my seed. I want to feel her skin on top of mine; I want to lick her crevice and taste her sweetness on my tongue. I want it all.
But when I approach her, she cowers in a corner, diving away when I get close.
Her eyes are filled with fear as I stare at her for a moment, her body shivering.
But there’s no need to be scared. I’ll take more than good care of her.
I’ll give her every lick she’ll need, every kiss she asks for. I’ll protect her from anything and anyone. Because she’s mine now …
My woman.
My Ella.
I reach for her and grasp her arm. She resists, jerking free, so I take her other arm. Again, she pulls back and gives me this look as if she doesn’t want me to touch her. But that’s not true. I saw her looking. I saw those hungry eyes. I saw her practically begging for my cock when she licked her lips at the sight of it.
Just as her eyes slide down my body this very instant, taking in every inch of my length. She gulps, visibly impressed. A smirk spreads on my lips.
I know she likes what she sees.
She can’t deny her own body’s desires.
So I put my hands on her tiny waist, lift her up from the floor, and throw her over my shoulder.
Then I turn around and march right back into the room I came from, kicking the door to her cage shut.
With her fists, she pounds on my back.
Feisty. I like that.
It makes it much more interesting when she’s just as eager as I am. I’ll make sure she’s opened up to me before our time is over.
I put her down on the bed, and she immediately tries to crawl away. Towering over her, I grasp her ankles and flip her over. That blue dress looks pretty on her … but it’s in the way. So I lean over her and push it up with my hand until it’s right above her waist. I can see she’s struggling, her fingers desperately clinging to the fabric as if she’s afraid of what’s about to happen.
But the look in her eyes … it’s different from anything I’ve ever seen before. Like she doesn’t know what’s about to happen. Like it’s never happened to her before.
Could she be …?
I smile at the thought.
My seed will be the first to lay claim to her womb.
As I hover over her, she places her hands on my chest and face, pushing me away. I grasp them and pin them above her head. My face is so close to hers now … I can smell her delicious scent. With my eyes closed, I take a whiff, and they almost roll to the back of my head. That’s how good it smells.