Page 3 of Undercover Wolf's Great Loss (Shifter Doctor Daddies Instalove Romance 3)
That woman looked so familiar.
And I don’t mean that she had likely shared a face with someone in a magazine. No, it was more intimate than that, much more primal. She looked familiar to me because I had seen her before.
I was sure of it.
Memories flooded my mind as I flipped around to face the two men who had dared cause anyone harm in my hospital. Anger rushed to the surface, inspiring my body to move without much thought. I raised my right arm to block one haymaker attempt and extended my left to catch the second attacker by the throat.
The two flailed as I forced my weight into them. The attacker on my right attempted another punch, one that I easily blocked and returned right back to his nose. He stumbled back while raising his hands to the blood gushing from his nostrils.
With a grunt, I tightened my grip on the attacker on my left and launched him toward his accomplice. The two became a tangle of limbs as they fell to the ground. After cracking my knuckles and wiping a bead of sweat from my brow, I hurled toward them intending to cause harm.
Though I could have killed them, I landed a few punches instead, knocking them in strategic places that would disorient their senses. I twisted the arm of one and grabbed the throat of the other, smiling as I whooped triumphantly.
What a rush it was to fight again.
I growled as I hauled them into the hallway. Guards swarmed us as I tossed them both to the ground, standing in all my herculean glory over them with my arms crossed over my chest. I cocked a brow at the second attacker who was attempting to stand up and continue fighting, even as blood poured from his nose and stained his shirt.
A taser clicked and caused his body to spasm, limbs rigid as he convulsed on the ground. In seconds, he was no longer a threat. Neither was the first attacker. They were rather scrawny men compared to me.
That birthmark, I reflected as I studied the red splotch sitting just beneath the man’s chin. That’s familiar. One of Remington’s goons had a mark like that.
One of the guards slapped my shoulder in thanks, knocking me out of my head. I smiled warmly at him even though I wanted to rip out his throat for interrupting me.
“As always,” he said. “Thanks for helping, Dr. Fleming.”
He clapped me on the back.
I smiled handsomely, waving away the small round of applause that broke out around us. “It’s nothing. Please, let me know if there’s anything else I can do.”
Adulation was my thing. Performance was my calling. But saving lives? That was fate.
Becoming a doctor had always been the right choice. Here in the hospital, I could flex my strength, provide care, and protect those who couldn’t protect themselves.
Except for Geraldine, I thought as I drifted back into the room where the scuffle had occurred. I glanced at the exit door, the paint chipped on the wall where the knob had collided with the wood. I almost hurt her. From sheer pride.
I scowled as I examined the area. I sniffed the bed and followed the scent to the service stairs that led to the floors below. That woman was long gone by now, but I would find her soon.
I had questions for her.
The way my wolf responded to her was uncanny. Ever since she was brought in, I felt an overwhelming urge to protect her. Geraldine would have stolen my focus no matter what, but this woman? She had a spell on me.
I intended to figure out precisely how she had done it. She hadn’t even looked at me until today, hadn’t actually seen me until just moments ago.
Without her here, a chill swept into my bones, causing me to shiver. And that man out there in the hallway, that goon, I knew him. I knew them both.
After checking on my nurses and a few patients, I locked myself away in my office, hoping that the silence would bring me answers. But it only brought more questions.
It was no accident that Remington’s men had barged in here. And it was no accident that they chose that exact room that harbored an oddly attractive wolf. She was in trouble. I could tell just by the way these events had unfolded.
Maybe it’s the same trouble I had encountered back when…
I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the thoughts to go away.
No, I don’t want to think of my dear Caitlyn.
My inner wolf urged me to stand, to pace, and to check the windows for more attackers. I studied the parking lot repeatedly to see if any new cars had arrived. It seemed just the two men had been sent.
Would Remington send any more?
They couldn’t have known who I was. It had been too long since I had been back to that compound. I had some surgery done as well, had done plenty of things to make sure my physical appearance was different.
I dyed my hair, wore contacts, and rarely left my apartment, even for necessities. Most things were delivered. I got close with Geraldine, nearly destroying my cover by trying to woo her. And she only ended up with someone else, someone who had defeated me in all my strength.
My fist closed around the blinds, tearing them easily from their place. The collection of plastic strips collapsed to the ground and I stomped on them until they were beyond recognition. Just like me—beyond all recognition.
I had changed everything about myself to protect the ones I loved most. I gave up so much. I sacrificed everything.