Page 13 of Undercover Wolf's Great Loss (Shifter Doctor Daddies Instalove Romance 3)
Crickets chirped around us as Claude shifted back into human form. Eyes wide and alert, he accepted his clothes from me, gratefulness evident in every movement as he pulled them on.
The moment he was clothed was the moment his lips were pressed eagerly to mine. His kiss was divine, transporting me out of the swamp and into the starry sky. Bugs sang around us, frogs croaked loudly, the chorus of nature echoing like an orchestra performing just for us.
Lips plump with desire, I deepened the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and drinking from him every bit of affection that I could possibly take. The wind picked up and brought with it the musky scent of the swamp around us.
I could have died here and been happy, but I knew we had plenty to live for. And for the first time in a long time, I wanted to live. I wanted to see what was waiting for me on the other side.
“April,” he whispered huskily as he drifted back. His eyes darted quickly to the surrounding area and then back to me, pleasure glittering in his eyes. “I need to tell you...”
“You already told me what happened,” I whispered. “It’s time I tell you what happened to me.”
“In your own time.”
I smiled weakly. “I think it’s time. Especially if we’re going to be together for a while.”
“You think so?”
“I hope so.”
That dashing grin would have knocked my feet out from under me if I was standing. He stole my lips once more, drawing moans from deep within my body to the surface. My wolf pawed to be released with how much adrenaline was coursing through my veins.
Hungry and overwhelmed by passion, I sucked his tongue into my mouth, heat drifting to the apex of my thighs as I straddled his lap. Never had I wanted someone like this, yet I eagerly gave myself over to the experience, hoping that it would never end.
Grinding and writhing, I tried to draw closer to him, tried to fuse with his body. My slit twitched as I felt him grow hard, mast stiff and ready for me to swallow either by mouth or channel. It didn’t matter which one.
I just wanted to feel him again, his body pliant with mine, rigid with desire, and receptive to my touch. Images of the kitchen in the warehouse returned, heat twisting my body as I humped him, so feverishly hungry that I lost all my senses. I lost sight of everything.
There was only my Daddy and me right now.
His hands gripped my waist, keeping me steady as he returned fervent thrusts, rubbing his rigid shaft at the apex of my thighs. I struggled to get naked, to remove all barriers preventing our union, all logic flying out the window. We were in danger and yet we were humping like teenagers in the middle of puberty.
How in the world did he manage to do this to me?
Herculean strength met every movement I made. Mewling, I arched against him, exposing my throat for him to take. I wanted him to mark me. I wanted him to make me his.
Because it was true—I belonged to him. In spirit and body. I knew that now and I wanted nothing to get in the way of that being a reality.
“Bite me,” I begged. “Please, Daddy.”
His fangs extended, points scraping my main artery and threatening to break the skin. A low growl echoed from his throat, signaling that he was ready to solidify our bond. It wouldn’t be much longer now...
A scream cut through the night. Birds scattered from a nearby tree, shaking the branches and causing us both to hop to our feet. An incoherent shout followed—it sounded like a woman.
“Destiny,” Claude whispered.
He ripped his clothes off and shifted, darting in the direction of the sound that came from upriver. I gathered his clothes and darted after him, cool air stinging my lungs as I struggled to keep up with the stride of his wolf. Another bloodcurdling scream sliced through the air, an alarming sound that ignited my desire to protect.
The scene we came upon froze me in my tracks. Destiny and Viola were hanging on for dear life to a tree branch in the center of the river. Water rushed around them, gushing white with moonlight dazzling the surface of the water. If we didn’t intervene, they would be sucked down the river.
“They’re going to drown if we don’t get to them,” I told Claude. “I can get across one of those rocks, but the rest is going to be tricky.”
I swung the bag around, digging inside for something useful. It didn’t matter what. Maybe Claude’s clothes could be used if I tied them tightly together.
Rope—that’s what we needed. If I could create a long rope, then I could lean over one of those rocks and extend a line to them. I could even use a tree branch.
My eyes swept around the area, searching for something to use as I returned the bag to my back. A large collection of branches sat off to the left near the shadows. That would be useful enough. I just had to rely on my strength for the rest.
But he wasn’t paying attention. Something had drawn his focus. A threatening growl vibrated from his throat, alerting me to look in the direction of his gaze.
I gasped.
Six massive wolves flanked either side of the river. By the look of their fur, I could only imagine who might have sent them. Remington.My heart raced as I calculated the potential outcome of this situation.
Claude wouldn’t be able to take on all six wolves by himself. Destiny and Viola were incapacitated, safely tucked between two giant boulders in the river where the wolves wouldn’t be able to reach them for now. Their only true threat was the current that would suck them away at any second.
The three wolves on our side of the river noticed us, maws parting with vicious growls as drool dripped from their sharp teeth. One of them stepped forward, fur darkened by the shadows that threatened to swallow us from the treeline.
“Claude,” I whimpered. “Be careful.”
Claude glanced over his shoulder, offering me a grateful look before turning to face the three wolves in front of him.
No, he wasn’t allowed to face this by himself. I told him I would help—and yes, I had gotten him this far, but I had to go even farther. I had to prove to Daddy that I was worth keeping by his side.
The cord inside me glowed brightly, tendrils of glacier blue wrapping around my heart. The strings tugged me toward Claude, to the man I knew I had to protect. And his daughter. And the woman who had protected his daughter all these years.
I had to save them.
With no family of my own and only one friend to boast of, I truly had nothing to lose except my life. And even my life didn’t matter compared to Claude having his family reunited.
No more running. I was sick of running. This was my chance to stick around and fight. All those opportunities that I had been robbed of to bite back were now presenting themselves all at once.
The time was now.
As Claude stepped forward with a menacing stride, I kept an eye on the three wolves across the river. They were investigating the rapid waters, trying to figure out a safe way across. I noticed a collection of boulders that led directly to me, ones that they spotted instantly.