Page 17 of Daring Dragon's Dirty Secret (Shifter Doctor Daddies Instalove Romance 2)
A scream echoed from my throat as I watched Dr Fleming launch himself at Nathaniel’s throat. The little girl beside me shouted something incoherent. I would have heard it were it not for the guttural roar that resonated through the atmosphere.
In a split second, Dr Fleming was on the ground with Nathaniel hovering over him. Gaping wounds marked the side of the wolf’s body, rivulets of blood streaming into the earth and darkening the soil. After inspecting the wolf, Nathaniel shifted back into human form and collapsed.
The little girl and I darted to his motionless body. I hauled Nathaniel away and covered him with a shirt, cradling him in my arms.
“Nate?” I whimpered. “Nate!”
The little girl placed two fingers to the side of his throat. “He’s still breathing. We need to get him inside.”
“Who are you?”
“Long story.”
With strained effort, I managed to get Nathaniel into my apartment without us being spotted. I wasn’t sure what would happen to Dr Fleming—and I didn’t care. Nathaniel had won the battle as far as I was concerned.
Now, I had to take care of him. I had to take care of my sweet Daddy.
Nathaniel woke minutes later, eyes wide and sober. He blinked up at me, brows furrowing together until a dashing smirk broke over his lips. “How was that?”
“You asshole!”
I swatted his arm as he laughed, cringing as he held his ribs. He turned to the girl and said, “Julia, be a dear and get me some pants.”
She nodded once and disappeared into my room, returning with a pair of gray jogging pants. She turned away as he slowly dressed himself. Once he was comfortable on the couch, I tended to his wounds.
“Geraldine,” he said, strain in his voice. “This is my daughter, Julia.”
I blinked. “Daughter?”
“I’ve been keeping her a secret, but…” He trailed off, meeting the gaze of his kin. He smiled warmly. “Not anymore.”
“Is that where you went for three days?”
“I meant to tell you, but things got . . . a little wild.”
I shook my head. “You’re such a jerk. I was so worried!”
“I didn’t mean to worry you, baby girl.” He cupped my cheek gently. “We don’t have much time for explanations. We need to get back to the estate, where you two will be safe.”
As I parted my lips to speak, but he silenced me with a passionate kiss; one that took my breath away. And in that simple touch, I felt love. Just love. Nothing else.
Our reunion was cut short by Julia clearing her throat. I blushed as I drew back and I went to change into clean clothes, returning with a t-shirt and socks for my mate. As we made our way outside to my car, he collected his boots from the park. Dr Fleming was nowhere to be seen.
When we reached the estate, I suffered an adrenaline crash, slumping over the wheel after parking near the stairs. Nathaniel tended to me briefly before ushering me from the car. He took us both inside and sat us in the foyer, telling us to wait as he went to get changed.
Voices carried from the second floor:
“Where the hell have you been?!”
“Mother, Father—I can explain.”
“You had better start!”
Julia giggled and I joined her, the two of us snickering like little girls overhearing their parents arguing about something silly. A brief explanation and a few more shouts later produced Seth and Katelyn on the foot of the stairs.
The two of them stared at Julia as if she was made of otherworldly material. And perhaps she was. The moment I scented her was the moment I knew she was different.
Perhaps a lot like me.
She stood and elegantly crossed the foyer, giving her best bow.
“You must be my grandparents,” she stated confidently as she stood upright. “I’ve drawn you.”
Seth blanched. “Pardon?”
Nathaniel chuckled as he patted his father’s shoulder gently. “There’s a lot to tell you, Pop, but I can’t explain right now. We need to get back to Athens.”
I blinked rapidly. “What’s in Athens?”
Julia joined my side, her hands shaking as she said, “My mother—she’s dying.”
* * *