Page 14 of Damaged Dragon's Forbidden Love (Shifter Doctor Daddies Instalove Romance 1)
I clutched the back of his head, fingers tangled with curly black locks that felt soft to touch. Another round of banging reverberated from the door, and I gasped as I withdrew from Marshall.
“Are you expecting someone?” I asked. “Who is it?”
He placed his forefinger to his lips tosilence me. While he made his way to the door, I huddled into the couch, fear unlike any other gripping me. What had I gotten myself into with Marshall Bishop?
What happened next erupted in a series of flashes. Marshall opened the door. My father barged in with my ex-boyfriend tailing him, the two of them dragging me from the couch and to the front door.
I tried to grab for Marshall. I didn’t want to go back home. I didn’t want to have to face the reality of my situation.
“I’m not going,” I said firmly while smacking at Lance’s hands. “You can’t make me go!”
“I can make you do whatever I need,” my father spat. “And you!” He spun around to point an angry finger at my mate. “You’ve tried to corrupt my daughter one too many times. If you attempt to see her again, I will destroy your career and your clinic.”
Marshall glared at my father, eyes burning with a lava-like sheen. “You’ll regret this, Mr. Thornton.”
“And I suppose a poor dragon like yourself is going to take action?” Father cackled. “You can’t afford to do it!”
And with that, my father dragged me from my mate’s den, breaking my heart a thousand times harder than if Marshall were to die.
My father was killing me—and he would certainly pay for it.
Lance carried me down the cement steps as if he were rescuing me. I could only imagine that’s what he thought he was doing. And it made me sick to consider it.
“You won’t get away with this,” I told them both as I was tossed into the backseat. “I’m finding a way out. You can’t make me get married.”
“Well, too bad,” Father sighed as he slid into the driver’s seat. “Because you’re marrying Lance.” He turned around to shoot me a triumphant smirk. “Tomorrow night.”