Page 8 of His Will
“We can be ready to go by then,” I tell Jericho before turning my attention back to Asher.
“It’s settled then. Be downstairs at four,” Jericho says before I hear him turn and leave the roof.
I get a little flutter in my stomach, but I know it’s because I’m nervous about going out. Asher and I haven’t been out in a public setting in a long time. Especially not without Michael by our side. But even though I’m a little on edge about going, I know it will be good for us to get out of here for a while.
“You want to go see the animals?” I ask Asher as I stand. He holds his hands up, wanting me to pick him up. “You’re getting too big for Mommy.” I lift him and carry him back towards his bedroom. I check the time to see we have a while before we’re going to leave.
I try to keep us busy to distract myself. Asher goes down for his nap easily enough. It gives me a chance to get everything together we might need before I head to my bedroom to find something to wear. That’s a task in itself.
I settle on a simple cotton mini dress. For the first time in forever, I actually take the time to put on a bit of makeup and do something with my hair. I decide on a butterfly clip to pin some of it back. I love this clip. It was my favorite for a long time.
I debate changing it out. I’d been wearing it when I first met Jericho. He’d actually called me butterfly that day. He told me the clip was fitting. I take it out and then put it back in two times, worried Jericho might make a rude comment about it when he sees it. Even though he said it was a new start between us, I don’t want it to spark any memories for him.
“Leave it. It’s pretty in your hair,” Dora says. “You’re going out?” I drop my hand from the clip, leaving it be.
“Jericho is going to take us to the zoo.” A smile lights up Dora’s face.
“Good. You two need to start getting out of this house.”
“What if—”
“You have to try.” Dora cuts me off before I can even voice my concerns about going out.
I nod, knowing she’s right. I’m dragging Asher into this with me. And I know that’s no life for him to have. If I don’t start pushing us to go out, then he’ll want to be shut in too. I have to get him used to going places and seeing other people. I know he needs to start being around other children as well.
“Sera?” Jericho calls, knocking on my open door before he steps inside.
“I’ll get Asher,” Dora says, slipping past him. He’s changed into jeans and a simple black shirt.
“I think I got everything we need ready. I just might need help with the stroller. I put it in the hallway down—”
“I already have it in the SUV. The bag you left is in there too.”
“Oh, thank you.” We stand there for a long moment, neither one of us saying anything.
“You look beautiful,” he says, finally breaking the silence. His words are unexpected. Heat rushes to my face and a few other places. From the moment I met Jericho, he’s had that effect on me. I’ve always been a bit shy, but with him that day I’d been bold. Asking for a kiss was way out of character for me, but I’d done it.
When I’d told Michael about it, he’d laughed. Then he seemed surprised that Jericho indulged me by actually giving me what I’d asked for. That was until he found out I was the woman marrying Michael. From that moment on, he was livid with me.
“Thank you.”
“Shall we?” He motions with his hand towards the door.
I slip past him. I swear he leans in, making me have to brush against him to get by. Dora hadn’t even come close to touching him when she passed by him, but somehow there isn’t enough room for me?
“Mommy!” Asher runs towards me with his arms raised up. I lean down and scoop him up. He gives Jericho a shy look.
“Jericho is taking us to see the animals,” I tell him, winning Jericho some favors.
“Which do you want to see most?” Jericho asks, putting his hand at my back to guide me down the stairs. Asher starts listing all sorts of animals. When Jericho opens the front door, I freeze.
“We go?” Asher asks me, pointing to the black SUV parked right out front.
“Yeah, baby, we go,” I answer but don’t move. Jericho presses his hand more into my back.
“I’ve got you,” he whispers low next to my ear. I take a breath and step outside, letting him guide me to the SUV. “Can I buckle you up?” Jericho asks Asher. I’m surprised when Asher lets Jericho take him.