Page 3 of Breeder - Redneck
Her ass had still born the welts from my whip and her pussy I am sure was still sore from the fucking I’d just given her when I flipped her over and fucked her on her back, driving her raw ass into the mattress beneath. She’d screamed and pleaded even as her pussy leaked, and I’d enjoyed every minute of it. Now I fucked her faster with my fingers to show her who’s boss.
Her eyes lost their look of defiance and I saw the minute her body took over. I eased the pressure of my fingers inside her, knowing it would make her crazy. I felt her tense as her pussy tightened around my digits. Her body grew flush and her pussy heat singed my fingers, she was close.
“Your pussy is ready for me now, but you’ll have to wait. Your food is growing cold.” I deliberately withdrew my fingers from her body just as she reached climax. She whimpered and her eyes followed the line of pre-cum that trailed from my cock as I stood to grab her food, leaving her desperate to be fucked.
The mask on my face was starting to itch, but I daren’t take it off. I knew exactly what would happen once I did. She would most likely fall in love with my looks, most members of the opposite sex do. But that’s not what I wanted from this particular girl. I wanted her fear, her hate and her despair, just for starters.
I wanted to take her body day after day even after I’d planted my seed, because I knew she found me repulsive except when I was planted deep in her belly. That’s just the way I wanted it to stay. Being able to use her body against her was part of the pleasure. The fact that the monster could get her to crave his cock, could make her beg him to fuck her, was part of my psychological warfare.
I wanted her to fear my coming to her until the day all was revealed. My biggest victory though, will be to get her to fall in love with the beast. I wanted to own her heart mind and soul, which wasn’t necessarily what I’d set out to do. But I’m honest enough to admit that she had got me to change up my plans. Not necessarily a good thing for her. I’d only planned to breed her and set her free. Now I wasn’t so sure that that’s what I wanted.
She’d grown on me I guess you can say. She was nothing like the spoilt daughter of a murderer that I’d expected her to be. Nothing like the man I hated above all others. It made no difference to me though. I might keep her longer than her used by date, but I’ll never give her my heart. I’ll never let my heart feel again, least of all for my enemy’s kid.
I veered away from those thoughts again as I spoon-fed her the fish and vegetables I’d made her for lunch. From now on I had to make sure that all her meals were on the healthier side. Not that I’d been depriving her before, but I was still spoiling her every once in a while with the occasional fast food burger here and there. Part of my plan to have her eating from my hand before we were through.
I’d studied her for a long time before I took her. I’d made it my business to get to know everything about her before I made my approach. I use that knowledge now to show her my power and to instill fear. I knew her most private secrets and innermost thoughts. What she hadn’t shared freely during those months when I’d been grooming her, I’d hacked into her computer to learn for myself.
She’d trusted me from the beginning, which had been part of my plan. By learning all her likes and dislikes, I’d been able to convince her that we shared a lot of the same interests. She’d eaten it up, as sheltered as she was in the little town she grew up in. By the time I came along she was dying for adventure. But where she thought our acquaintance would be no more than a secret tryst with an older man, something she could giggle with her friends over, I had taken that shit much farther.
I’d been the perfect gentleman when I first approached her online in one of the chat rooms she frequented. I played on her interest and kept it cool and nonthreatening. It had taken me the better part of a month to break her down and have her eating out of my hands before we met.
I admit I played her like a fiddle, while not giving anything of myself to her. Though she had some qualities that I had not expected, given whom her dad was, I had steeled myself against feeling anything. I’d shut my mind off from anything that would make me turn back from the plans I’d set in motion. I still had a score to settle and it didn’t matter that she was a nice girl after all.