Page 74 of Mistress to a Monster
“Do you have to go sneaking around everywhere?” she asked, putting a hand to her chest.
Her heart raced. She felt like she’d stumbled onto something important. Something forbidden that she shouldn’t have been privy to, and yet, it also felt good to finally read something from an aunt she never got to know.
“This is my house,” he said.
“Of course, it is. It is your right to go sneaking about wherever you want.” She forced a smile. “Did business go well?”
“Better than expected. Would you like to go out with me tonight?” he asked.
She frowned. “Where?”
“I want to take you out to dinner.”
“Can’t a man and a woman enjoy each other’s company without all the troubles that come with it?”
She pursed her lips and watched him. “I don’t know. I guess it depends on what you’re hoping to achieve.”
“I’m not hoping to achieve anything. I just want the pleasure of your company, that is all. We’ve got a family to enjoy, Milah.” He reached out and pressed his palm flat against her stomach, taking her completely by surprise. This was the first time he’d openly touched her like this.
Her mouth went a little dry.
Staring into his dark gaze, she had to wonder what he was thinking. What was going on in that head of his? Did she even want to know?
She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, already knowing the answer was yes. She did want to know what was going on inside his head. He was a mystery to her. One she hoped to take the time to uncover.
“Okay,” she said.
“Glory’s waiting for you to get changed. She will be helping you. You’ve got half an hour.”
Milah didn’t need that long to get changed. With Glory waiting for her, it kind of sucked the wind right out of her sails.
The woman who was only pretending to be her friend.
She kept a smile on her lips even as she followed Damon down the main stairs, heading to the bedroom they now shared.
Glory waited inside.
“Mr. De Luca has bought you a beautiful dress,” Glory said.
“Yes, of course.” She didn’t know what else to say to her, so she followed the other woman into the bathroom. Glory stayed close by while she took a shower. She tried not to be affected by the woman’s closeness, but it was kind of hard to ignore her.
She wanted to order her away, but that would have been cruel.
“Are you excited about tonight?” Glory asked.
“It sounds nice.”
Milah agreed. She washed her body quickly and then rinsed her hair with some conditioner before stepping out. Glory was there with a towel, rubbing at her hair. “I can do that.”
“I know, but I would like to help.”
“No,” Milah said. She was done playing this game. “I can take care of myself, Glory. I appreciate it.” Clearly, she wasn’t ready to call the other woman out on her games.
What happened to Alicia?
What happened to Valentino?
There were so many questions, and all she wanted to do was go and read that damn book.
“I tried looking for you today,” Glory said. “The pups missed you.”
“I went exploring the grounds once I took care of the pups,” Milah said. “I don’t like being cooped up for too long. I like to be outside.”
Glory nodded. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“I … thank you for being my friend,” Glory said.
Milah glanced at her in the mirror, and she wanted to ask, to finally get it out in the open, but instead, she continued on as normal. A smile.
The lies were still forming between them. They were not friends.
“I’m nearly ready,” Milah said. “Do you want to go tell Damon?”
The dress Glory had helped her into was on the tight side. Her stomach wasn’t getting smaller, but much bigger. She felt a little swollen today.
Glory left the room, and as soon as she did, Milah collapsed on the edge of the bed.
“I know I was being a little mean there, but she’s … she’s not my friend. She works for Damon. Your daddy.” She scrunched up her face. That was certainly a sentence she never hoped to string together. “I can’t tell anyone this, but I think … I think I like him, and that is so fucking scary, and I’m going to try and not curse so much anymore. You’ve already got the Russo and De Luca genes, let’s not add to it.”
She rubbed her stomach, already feeling a great deal of love for the little baby growing inside her.
Regardless of how she felt about her baby’s father, she knew without a doubt she loved her child.