Page 49 of Mistress to a Monster
“Do you think it is wise bringing her along for … this?” Raoul asked, minutes later after he appeared.
“Russo will not expect me,” he said.
“He’ll expect retaliation.”
“And he will get it. Just not in the way he thinks.” He turned to Raoul. “I want the ports all closed. Anyone associated with him that continues to do business, I want them sent my way. His brothels, I want full control. There is no way I want him to escape. He has just lost whatever shred of dignity he has left. I will make him suffer.”
“What about his daughter?” Raoul asked.
“What about her?”
“She can be a target as well. With her life, people will think there is always a way for Russo to come back fighting.”
“It’s not going to happen. Russo will die with her. I have something even more special in mind.”
“Do you think this is … wise?”
He looked to Raoul. “What?”
“You … you had one brief meeting with her three years ago, and it set you on this course.”
“This is my revenge, Raoul.”
“Is it, though? Are you sure this is not obsession for a woman you cannot have?”
Damon grabbed Raoul’s jacket, hauling him up toward him. “What the fuck did you say?”
“Do you think I’m not used to this, Damon? I’ve never seen you react like this to any woman, but this one. Your plan, do you really think it is best?”
“You think I’ve fallen in love with Milah Russo?” Damon asked.
“No, but I think you’re obsessed with owning her.”
“Trust me, Raoul, Milah is all part of my plan. There is no way I would ever love a Russo,” he said.
Someone cleared their throat, and Damon turned to see James there with Milah. She had dressed in a tight-fitting black dress. Her hair fell down, and they were natural waves.
Milah had heard what he said. He saw it in the way her hands were clenched, the tightness of her jaw, but also the worry in James’s gaze.
“It’s time to go.”