Page 78 of Flirting with Fifty
Jack had already worked out the rooming lists, and as students received their keys and maps from reception, he sent them off in pairs to settle in, letting them know they’d meet for brunch in just over an hour. “Brunch will be served on the ground floor in the restaurant, as will most of our meals. Workshops, meetings, and speakers will all take place on the second level in the conference space. Rooms are on the third and fourth floors. Dr. Newsome is on floor three; I am on floor four. The pool is behind the building in the garden. You have your maps, don’t get lost, and see you at ten thirty. Oh, and do set your watch. It’s just nine twenty right now.”
Paige clutched her map and key and dragged her luggage to the elevator. Only a few students were taking the elevator; many had given up waiting for it and had climbed the stairs. Next time, she’d take the stairs, too.
Her room was clean, with crisp linens, a welcoming bed, and drapes she closed against the sun. After using the bathroom, she dropped onto her bed, and the next thing she knew there was an awful banging on her door.
Paige sat up, groggy, and stumbled to the door. She opened it with a yawn. Jack. She should have known it was him. “You can stop knocking now.”
“You were out,” he said.
“I was sleeping.”
“Everyone’s eating. I figured I’d better get you.” He reached out and lifted a long blond strand of hair from her lashes, smoothing it off to the side. “I know how grumpy you can be without regular feedings.”
“Humph.” She glared at him, her body heavy, her head aching. “It’s one in the morning at home. We should be sleeping.”
“No, it’s eleven here, and if you don’t come now, you’ll be really hungry later.”
“I hurt all over.”
“That’s the jet lag. It’ll get easier every day.” He flashed a very white smile. “And then we’ll go home, and it’ll start all over.”
“I hate you.”
“You are adorable. Get your key. You’re coming with me.”
“Give me a second. I need a scrunchie for my hair.” In her small bathroom she dug through her cosmetics bag and added a swipe of pink color to her cheeks and lips and then smoothed her hair into a simple ponytail. Phone tucked into her back pocket, she locked the door and walked with Jack to the lodge.
“Am I really the only one who overslept?” she asked as they approached the restaurant, which had huge sliding doors open to a patio. The outdoor patio was filled with tables. It’s where most of the students had chosen to sit.
“Everyone else had roommates to get them here on time.” His put his hand on her elbow, steering her through tables. “The buffet is against the wall. Sit wherever you want.”
Paige spooned yogurt into a bowl, topped it with granola, added some fruit, and was looking for an open spot when a student waved her over. “Sit with us, Dr. Newsome,” the student said.
“Thank you.” Paige sat down, smothered another yawn. She felt like she couldn’t wake up. She was just about to look for coffee when Jack appeared and placed a cup of coffee in front of her. It already had milk in it. She looked up at him, her gaze meeting his. “Thank you.”
He nodded and left. She watched him walk away. Jack brought her coffee. It was such a little thing, and yet it made her feel loved.
She felt a pinch in her chest. Her heart gave a painful beat. She’d fallen for him.
Overnight she’d gone from safe and secure to embracing danger. She could hardly recognize herself these days. Where was cautious Paige? How had she become this impulsive, adventurous, risk-taking woman?
As if aware of her thoughts, Jack lifted his head and looked across the tables, his eyes locking with hers. The intensity in his eyes made her chest tighten again.
She did love him. She loved him. How had it happened?