Page 60 of Flirting with Fifty
It was happening.
They were going to be heading to Tanzania for a little over two weeks, in just over five weeks’ time. Staff in the president’s office were assisting with booking flights and applying for visas. Apparently if they traveled through Istanbul instead of Amsterdam, flights to Arusha would actually be less than the original flight to Costa Rica. Jack had not yet broken the news to the students, but that would happen tomorrow in class. By the time she drove home that evening, she was exhausted. Part of her knew she’d benefit from a barre class, but she couldn’t stomach being around more people. Nothing was wrong, but after the weekend in Yellowstone and the many conversations and meetings about adjusting the field studies program, Paige just needed some space. Solitude.
She couldn’t even cope with meeting Elizabeth for coffee yet.
For years, Paige’s life had been organized, structured, and reassuringly predictable.
Her life was anything but structured and predictable now. Jack King had turned her world inside out. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it—her adrenaline was tempered with anxiety. Just because she wanted change didn’t mean she knew how to process so much excitement. But at least she knew how she felt about Jack. She liked him. She wanted more time with him. And maybe she shouldn’t think of the trip to Tanzania as a chance to spend more time with him, but she did.
Home, Paige changed into her favorite soft pajamas, reheated her vegetable stir-fry from last night, and sat down on the couch to eat and watch the news she always recorded. The news was depressing but David Muir almost made it palatable. At least every night’s show ended with a warm fuzzy. After all the tragic stories, a warm fuzzy was needed.
News over, she went through the mail she’d picked up on her way in. Bills, advertisements, a copy of the UC Berkeley alumni association’s magazine. Paige tossed the ads into the recycling, put the bills in her caddy, set the magazine in a basket with others she would one day read, and washed her plate from dinner, still feeling out of sorts.
Why was she out of sorts?
Was it the looming trip, or something else?
Had she not had enough alone time, or did she want more Jack time?
It was confusing. She felt unanchored. Maybe she and Jack could have dinner tomorrow night, or maybe Thursday if he didn’t mind eating late. Thinking of him settled her. He was so positive and optimistic, and his optimism lifted her.
Paige brushed her teeth and headed to her bedroom, planning on texting Jack from bed, but no sooner had she climbed between the covers than her phone rang with a call from Ashley.
Paige hadn’t heard from her in over a week. “Hi, honey,” she said, answering. “How are you?”
“Good. I’ve got news.”
“Oh? Tell me.”
“I’m heading your way.” Ashley paused. “I have a big audition in LA.”
“That’s exciting. Is it a movie, or play?”
“A movie,” Ashley said quickly. “If I get the part, I might be in the area for a while. What do you think of that?”
“I think it’d be awesome. I’d be able to see a lot more of you.”
“Maybe I could live with you.”
Paige gulped, not sure she was ready to have a roommate. She liked her space, liked having a home of her own. “If you get the part, we could definitely talk about it.”
“No one is using your second bedroom.”
“No. It’s there for you girls, or Grandma, if she wanted to come visit.”
“Which she doesn’t,” Ashley said.
“It’s been awhile,” Paige agreed. “So, when is the audition?”
“Thursday. I fly out tomorrow. Would you mind coming and picking me up?”
“Which airport?” Paige asked, knowing full well it would be LAX and already dreading the drive. Getting in and out of LAX was a nightmare.
“LAX,” Ashley said. “But I arrive late, after rush hour is over. There was no way I was going to make you deal with that.”
Thank God for small mercies. “What time do you land?”
“Just before eleven, but I’ll have a checked bag. I’ll text you my flight info.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait, Mom.”
But after hanging up, Paige couldn’t sleep. Something seemed off about the call. Something seemed off with Ashley. She sounded too perky, as if her enthusiasm was forced.
Or was Paige reading into it? Projecting because she was tired?
She sent Jack a text. Wish I was in Yellowstone.
He answered right away. I wish I was there with you.
She pressed her phone to her chest and blinked back the sting in her eyes. If she were in Yellowstone, she knew where she’d be sleeping. She’d be in Jack’s bed.
* * *