Page 57 of Flirting with Fifty
“I have. If we’re going to fly thirty-five hours, we might as well pack the schedule.”
“What day would you suggest we return?” she asked.
“The thirteenth instead of the ninth.”
“Not everyone will be able to make the new travel dates work.”
“True. And there will also be parents, and students, who might not support the idea of field work in Tanzania—”
He was silenced by the overhead speaker announcing a flight arrival from Seattle. Jack waited for the announcement to end before continuing. “We don’t even know if Dr. Keller would approve even if I could get the pieces in place.”
“Or which students would still go,” she added, sitting down again.
“I don’t think we’re going to lose that many, but you’re right, we need those numbers, and we need Dr. Keller’s approval.” He stretched. “And we need your participation if we’re going to convince him. He knows you better than me. He’d want you there making sure everything goes well.” His gaze met hers and held. “What do you say?”
Paige held her breath even as she held Jack’s green-gold gaze. He was not like anyone else she’d ever known, and ever since he’d reentered her world, he’d filled it with activity and chaos and change.
Just like his course.
The corner of her mouth lifted, amused despite herself. “For a woman with no international travel experience, this is a rather daunting trip.”
“You liked Yellowstone.”
“I did.”
“You’ll like Arusha, too.”
She stared into his eyes, as if trying to find truth, trying to find security and safety. Jack said he made this trip a number of times every year. Jack said Arusha was like his second home.
She supposed the question was: Did she trust him?
Could she depend on him?
She narrowed her eyes and then thought, Yes. Yes, to both. Jack was calm, dependable, and an experienced traveler. If she was going to go to Africa with anyone, Jack would be a safe bet.
Did she want to go to Africa?
Her heart gave a little thump. After so many years saying no to things, it felt strange to say yes, but yes, Paige wanted to travel. Yes, she wanted adventure. Yes, she wanted to go with Jack to Tanzania. “I think we should go talk to Dr. Keller,” she said. “Because if we’re going to pull this off, we’ve got to be united.”
She saw the slow smile start in his eyes, creases deepening at the corners, before shaping his mouth. “A team,” he agreed, extending his hand to her.
She took his hand, but then leaned forward and sealed the deal with a kiss, on the mouth, in public, as if he was hers.
Was he hers?