Page 47 of Flirting with Fifty
Chapter 11
Jack was up late finishing an article he’d owed The Scientist for a couple weeks; he’d vowed he wouldn’t go to bed until it was finally done and off to the editor. Jack didn’t usually mind writing papers and articles, but lately he’d wanted less time at his desk, and more time socializing, with Paige to be specific.
It’s one of the reasons he invited her to Yellowstone. He’d been happy to fill in for the missing speaker, but his immediate thought had been, What about Paige?
He missed her on weekends. The stretch between Friday’s class and Monday’s class felt too long, too empty. He’d always been quite happy with his own company, but lately he didn’t enjoy his company. He wanted hers.
Already he was dreading December. He had a tightly packed schedule, one that would keep him away from California for at least four weeks, maybe six, depending on how filming went. Right after Costa Rica he was scheduled to fly to Tanzania for a conference in Arusha, and once that wrapped up on Sunday, he’d remain in Arusha for production meetings for his show, which was back on and slated to begin filming the third week of December. They usually filmed over four weeks, but with Christmas and New Year’s in the middle, he wasn’t sure how that would go.
This week, he and the producers had been on numerous Zoom calls, discussing setting and episodes, mapping out the schedule; but he’d felt distracted, and his heart wasn’t completely in it.
The idea of filming in Tanzania was less appealing every day, and yet he loved Arusha, it was like a second—third?—home. He’d love Paige to come to Tanzania for her holidays, but he doubted she’d leave her girls, and if Yellowstone seemed far to her, he could only imagine how impossible Tanzania would be.
But he could try. Jack had never been afraid of going for it, not even when he failed. What was the point of going through life afraid? Far better to see opportunity and possibilities than disappointment.
Thinking of Paige in Tanzania reminded him that Camille would be in Tanzania at the December conference, where he was speaking. He wasn’t looking forward to seeing her there. She’d been in touch with him to say it wasn’t long now, and casually mentioned she was single again. He shared that he wasn’t, that there was someone he was seeing, but he wasn’t sure if that would discourage Camille. Camille had always been far more invested in him than he was in her.
* * *
Paige hadn’t wanted to overpack for Yellowstone. This was her chance to show Jack that she could be relaxed, easygoing. She packed two nice blouses and a pair of crisp dark jeans in case she needed to dress for something, but otherwise, she chose her favorite weekend clothes: soft, faded denims, comfy T-shirts, oversize hoodies. She added a lightweight down coat for cold evenings, as well as three pairs of different shoes—sneakers, ankle boots, and a pair of leather loafers. At the last second, she tucked in a knit cap, scarf, and mittens just in case it snowed.
With the Friday classes cancelled, and her late Thursday class covered by a teaching assistant, Paige and Jack were able to head to the airport Thursday afternoon. Paige had caught a ride to school with Elizabeth on Thursday, and then she drove with Jack straight to the airport. They’d fly to Salt Lake City and connect to Bozeman, arriving at ten in Montana, where someone would be there to pick them up and drive them the hour to the education center in Yellowstone.
It was a lot of traveling, but Paige had a lot of work to do and she’d deliberately left the mystery she was reading at home so she wouldn’t be tempted to read instead of grade. There were no hitches at the airport, nor were there any issues boarding. They were in the air, halfway to Salt Lake City, when Paige gave up pretending that she was actually working. Instead, she watched Jack, who was immersed in reading on his laptop.
He was so handsome.
Very, very, very hot.
Very, very, very appealing.
She wanted to be close to him. Wanted to hold his hand, and to kiss him. Wanted to lean against him, have his arms around her, feel his mouth against her lips, her cheek, her neck. It was hard to think in terms of sex—she’d felt sexless for so long—and yet she’d begun to crave touch, his touch. She just wished she didn’t find sex so terrifying. There were still so many negative memories attached to it—not with him—but those last, final years with Ted where she’d gone numb and felt nothing as he climbed into bed intoxicated, demanding.
She closed her eyes now, hating the old shame and discomfort. The memories were hard. Lovemaking was a natural part of relationships, or at least it was supposed to be, but she didn’t know how to let down her guard, let someone close. She had friends who could enjoy sex without strings, but she’d never been one of them.
Jack’s hand touched her arm. “You okay?”
She opened her eyes, nodded, wondering what he’d seen in her face to make him ask. “I am, thank you.” Her gaze swept from his golden-brown eyes to his firm, very kissable mouth. “I’m excited we’re doing this.”
“I love traveling, glad you do, too.”
She looked again into his eyes. He had such beautiful eyes, in a beautiful face, but that’s not what held her attention. It was the warmth in his gaze. The kindness. She admired his brilliant mind but loved his kindness. His inherent goodness. Paige reached for his hand and wrapped her fingers around his. “Thank you for inviting me.”
His hand shifted, his fingers curling around hers before lifting her hand to his mouth. He kissed the base of her palm, sending a tingling ripple of sensation through her. “Thank you for coming.” And then he winked. “Well, not yet, but we’ll get that sorted soon.”
“Jack!” she choked, heat rushing to her face. She tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t let her. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed her, and the kiss made her forget everything. Time stopped. She melted, yielding to the pressure and the pleasure. By the time he lifted his head, she was mindless and boneless. Paige just blinked at him, wanting more, wishing he hadn’t stopped, wishing she always felt so good.
“Now what are you thinking?” he asked, deep voice husky.
She gave her head a slight shake, not about to tell him that she was falling for him.
* * *
The driver meeting them at the Bozeman airport was Zach Stevens, one of Jack’s longtime friends and a professor at the University of Wyoming. While he drove to Yellowstone, he filled Jack in on who was coming, and a few last-minute changes to the schedule. Paige listened, but also gazed out the window at the sky. It was so dark, and the sky was so clear. Every star glimmered, a wash of white diamonds.
It was nearing eleven thirty when they reached the education center. Check-in was fast and easy since everyone else had already gone to bed. Zach handed over the keys to their cabins, apologizing that the cabins weren’t next door, but they shared the same gravel path.
Jack sent Zach to bed and carried Paige’s suitcase to her cabin. He unlocked the door, turned on the light, and inspected it, making sure she’d be comfortable. “Sleep in tomorrow. There’s no need to get up early. They’ll have a continental breakfast for everyone, and I can get you a yogurt, or whatever you want.”
“Yogurt and a banana,” she said, kissing him good night. “And coffee—”
“I’ve brought a thermos. I’ll fill it for us.”
She kissed him again. “Thank you,” she whispered at the door. “Good night.”
“Sweet dreams.”
She watched him continue down the path to his cabin, which seemed to be three cabins down from hers. Closing her door, she locked it and turned to face the small space. It was chilly without the heater on, but snug. The furniture and bedding were on the practical side but there were two pillows and an extra blanket folded at the foot of the bed. More than adequate for the weekend. After a fast shower, she climbed into bed, turned out the light, and was asleep almost the moment her head hit the pillow.
Jack was busy almost all day Friday, but he sought her out at lunch and sat with her outside on one of the logs flanking the empty firepit where they ate their deli-style sandwiches. Most people were eating lunch inside, and Paige was glad to have Jack to herself.
“They’ve got me pretty busy today,” he said, “but tomorrow should be better.”
“I’m not worried. I’m just loving being here.”
“What did you do this morning?”
“Walked around a little bit, checked out where everything was, and mostly worked. The good thing is I’m almost caught up. I might end up taking a nap this afternoon.”
“I wish I could.”
“Just cancel your meetings,” she teased.
“Don’t tempt me.” He opened his bag of potato chips. “We should be done midafternoon, and then there’s a group trip to Mammoth Hot Springs,” he said. “It’s just a walk, not a true hike, but it’ll take about an hour.”
“Will you go?” she asked, stealing one of his chips since she hadn’t taken any for herself.
“I hope to.”
“Good. Come get me when it’s time.”
* * *