Page 47 of Dirty Ledger (Dark Pen)
“Rowan and I are making the best out of this situation. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on anything resembling a vacation, so this time away has been…” I notice a deer peek out from behind a pine tree and stare at me. It’s brown eyes connecting with mine. “It hasn’t been bad out here.”
There’s a slight pause. “Where is Rowan now?”
“She’s down at the house, cleaning up. She really is amazing in how well she’s taking all this. She’s not a prima donna at all. Not an inkling of princess in her. She’s been a real trooper.”
I hear Dex chuckle. “You’ve fucked her, haven’t you?”
I refuse to answer the question so instead stay silent. Besides, the reality is I didn’t just fuck her. If it were just fucking, this would be easy. I wouldn’t be up most hours of every night panicking that something will happen to this woman. I wouldn’t be thinking, and then rethinking every single step that needs to be done to keep her safe. The thought of being completely devastated if something happens to this woman wouldn’t be holding my gut in a constant vise.
I remember my father’s warning about never getting too attached.
Well… I’m attached. I’m so attached that I don’t see the possibility of being able to remove myself completely ever again. But things are different with this job.
Rowan is different.
She makes me feel different.
This situation with us is most certainly different.
“You know as well as I do, that’s the first way to fuck up a job. You’re making it messy. She should be off limits. Business is business,” Dex lectures.
“I know how to do my job,” I say between clenched teeth. “I appreciate your concern but leave this to me.”
“You and I both know that keeping a wall up helps us do what we do.”
“Just like you kept Katja business? Just like you built a wall when it came to her?” I snap back. “You aren’t in a position to be giving me advice on this.” I take a calming breath. “Where is Katja? Did you get her away from The Whitney safely?”
I can hear Dex release a deep breath. “She’s one stubborn lady, but yes. Eventually, she understood the importance of leaving. She’s safe for now.”
Hearing this releases a weight of tension I didn’t realize I’ve been carrying. I can’t imagine not having Katja as part of my life. And if anything ever happened to her, it wouldn’t just be Dex who would be destroyed. I’d die right alongside her. She’s as close to family as I have living right now. I see her as a sister, and I know she loves me as a brother. But sadly, our enemies will know exactly how to fuck with Dex and me… through Katja.
“It’s awful timing considering our plans for opening the London hotel. But Katja is trying to be as understanding as she can. She doesn’t fully understand this world we live in yet. But she’s getting a crash course,” Dex adds.
The screeching sound of a raven or maybe a hawk pulls my attention to the sky. I don’t see the culprit of the noise but considering that sound carries far out in the middle of nowhere, I know the bird could be miles away.
Refocusing my conversation with Dex, I ask, “What’s the latest with Atlas? I’m sure he’s feeling the effects of all that artwork being destroyed.”
“He’s pissed, and it truly fucked him. He has some new enemies over this, and it complicates his business dealings for sure. I’ve actually never seen him this vengeful, and that’s saying something. That man can be a ruthless fuck. Luckily for us, his anger is not directed at us. He’s never liked the Lucianos. He’s always felt they were nothing but street thugs with no class. They don’t follow the gentlemen’s code like we do and most others we do business with. So, he feels it’s time to exterminate the rats.”
“I agree with the man on that.”
“So do many. Atlas and I have been able to build quite the army for this war. I had no idea how many Vinny had screwed over. Not to mention everyone hated his weasel of a son.”
“We’re going to have to make it up to Atlas,” I say, making a mental note. Once I owe a man, I’ll be prepared to die for him if need be. My loyalty isn’t given freely, but once it is, it’s forever.
“It’s not just him who is helping us form this army,” Dex says. “Your name is coming in handy. The chatter is out that you’ve had a part in the cleanup. Vinny isn’t hiding the fact that he plans on killing you too.”
“Bring it,” I say as my jaw locks and my gut constricts.
Dex chuckles slightly. “What you may not realize is how many people feel they owe you for keeping their dirty secrets and helping them clean it up. Everyone knows you are aware of where the dead bodies are kept—quite literally. Your dirty ledger with all the details and locations is about as epic and legendary as the holy grail. People are stepping forward with their pledge to help even without being asked. The name “Z” is respected, feared, and admired. I didn’t realize just how much power you have.”