Page 17 of Claiming His Call Girl (Forbidden Fantasies 54)
“Yeah, you’ve got some real beauties here tonight,” Ben says in a smooth tone. “Anyone you’d recommend? I’m looking to make a purchase tonight.”
Of course, my man hasn’t introduced me, but then again, I’m not surprised. After all, in this setting, I’m nothing but a possession. A pet or a piece of furniture, almost. Vladimir clucks his tongue and rakes his eyes over me, those colorless irises giving me the creeps. But then he turns away.
“Yes, in fact I have a woman in mind. Are you looking to expand your collection?” he asks.
Ben nods curtly while jerking my leash, making me gasp.
“Yes. I’ve had such a good time with this one that I’m looking to add to my stable.”
Vladimir lets out a hoarse laugh.
“Then you’re definitely in the right place, my friend. Come this way.”
Ben doesn’t loosen his grip on my leash as we make our way further into the ballroom. In fact, he’s rather rough as he jerks me around, and I stumble a few times in my high heels, my eyes fixed on the floor the entire time.
But then, we stop in front of one of the pedestals and I look up to see a beautiful redheaded girl posing in the nude. Her body is curvy and lush, and reminds me of my own figure a bit, given its voluptuousness. She’s got milk-white skin, and freckles dot her shoulders, lending a unique quality to her beauty. But the redhead never looks at us; instead, her eyes are somewhat vacant as she moves through a series of suggestive poses.
Vladimir gestures in her general direction like a salesman in a car showroom.
“May I introduce the beauteous Jessica? Of course, if you decide to buy this product, you can call her whatever you wish. I have clients who’ve named their purchases Thing 1, Thing 2, Doggy, or even kept them unnamed in some instances. It detracts from their humanity,” he sniggers.
I hate this man more and more, but manage to keep my features neutral. Meanwhile, I can tell Jessica’s heard those words from her quick, indrawn breath, even as she continues to pose. As we watch, she leans forward to cup those heavy breasts before running her hands down over her slim waist. Then, she turns and bends a bit, showing us a small patch of russet pussy hair, before pulling her cheeks apart to display her back hole. I can’t imagine how exposed she must feel, yet when she bends again, I see that her folds are glistening slightly. Is that her own moisture, or have her handlers lubed their product for better marketing? Meanwhile, Vladimir continues.
“As you can see, Jessica has a lush figure, which most men prefer. Not only that, but this particular specimen is only nineteen, so she’s new to the life. You’ll have to train her, but I’m sure you’re up for the challenge, seeing that you’ve already domesticated one pet.” Holy shit! Is this what these guys do? “Of course,” Vladimir cackles while rubbing his hands together, “given Jessica’s youth, she’ll go for at least seven figures, easy.”
Ben nods.
“I would expect nothing less,” he replies in a deep tone.
My heart pitter patters in my chest, and I have no idea what to think. But then for a fleeting moment, my eyes meet Jessica’s gaze and my heart breaks because she’s scared. For a moment, the clouds part and I see that this teenage girl is frightened to wit’s end. Yes, she’s assuming revealing poses and showing off her body, but in those emerald green eyes are unshed tears. Then, just like that, her eyes shutter and she’s back in the void. I imagine Jessica’s doing this for her own protection. It can’t be easy to be treated like nameless womanflesh, put up for sale to the highest bidder.
A cold chill runs down my spine and I shudder involuntarily. Then, I turn back and catch Vladimir staring at me with hunger in his eyes. Oh no, did he see? My skin crawls, but I force myself to remain still and even to smile a bit before casting my eyes down.
“So, tell me, Ben,” Vladimir simpers. “I like your pet. Can she do tricks?”
My man jerks my leash a little, pulling me slightly off balance so that I stumble.
“She can, indeed. Show him, Pet,” he commands. “Demonstrate for our host what you can do.”
I choke a bit because we talked about this in the car, but somehow, it’s a hundred times worse than what I envisioned.
“Show him,” Ben growls again, his eyes harsh and unkind. “Do it.”
Finally, I find my voice.
“Master, I don’t mean to be a bother, but can we find a place more private?” I whisper. “Please?”
“No,” Ben grinds out immediately. “Absolutely not. Show your gratefulness to our host right here.”
But to my surprise, Vladimir jumps in then. He licks his teeth before loosening his tie and nodding to a set of double doors in the far left corner of the ballroom.