Page 9 of Rocco's Atonement
She shakes her head. “I can’t. I’m not allowed to go out until later this month, and I’m not sure they will let me then because of the attack. They’ve already told me I might not be able to.”
“You heard him, you’re not a prisoner. I’ll pick you up at say three and we can go out for coffee. We don’t have to discuss the case. I’d like to get to know you.”
Her face lights up but dims instantly when her name is barked from behind us.
“Guinevere. What do you think you’re doing?” The male voice has bite and bitterness laced in it.
I turn and see her brother, Milton, moving toward us quickly. I push Ever behind me and turn to face him. He’s breathing hard and his face is red, his jaw locked tight as he clenches his teeth. His fists are clenched at his sides. But it’s his eyes that give him away. The sick fuck has a crush on his sister. He can’t stop trying to look around me at her, but my body is wider, hiding her completely behind me. I have more bulk and muscle than him. If he came at me, I could take him down.
“She and I were talking, now back off.” I start to raise my hand to push him away.
“Hey, Roc, let’s get out of here. We have to chase down those leads we got.” Damian’s voice breaks through my fog of anger. I want to kill this fucker for even having those thoughts about my Ever. I swing around and nod at him before I pull out a card from my pocket.
“Ever, if you need me, just call.” I slip the card into her pocket so that her brother doesn’t see it. “My personal cell number is on there.” My words are quiet and just for her ears as I lean over her. She trembles slightly, and I hope it’s not in fear. When I take my attention off the beautiful skin by her ear that I want to nuzzle and kiss, I see her eyes are wide and her breathing is coming harder. She desires me too. “Goodbye sweet, Ever. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I promise before I caress my thumb down her cheek. I move around her, and she follows me. Before we reach the door, I turn and see Milton behind her. I glare at him, hoping to put the fear of God in him. The door snicks closed behind us, and we move to the elevator.
Everything in my body rebels with leaving her there. I know in my soul they are hurting her. I know her brother is creeping on her, and if he’s touched her, I’ll kill him and not think twice about it. I’d give up my badge for her.
As I’m thinking this, the elevator arrives, and we step inside. I hear a bang against the doors of the condo, along with another. Before I can jump out, the elevator doors close, sealing me inside. My fists pound on the doors as Damian puts his hand to my shoulder.
“They wouldn’t hurt her knowing you are going to see her tomorrow.” I wish I had his confidence, but something keeps telling me to get her out of there as soon as possible. “I know you were watching her with every question asked, but did you notice that she doesn’t look like the rest of her family?” Damian is staring up at the numbers as we descend. He seems like he’s not affected, but I know otherwise after a year with him. He’s as upset as I am and wants to help her too.
I pause at his words; he’s right. She and George have some similar features, but the others look nothing like her. They are all darker haired and built bigger than her. She’s very petite and light coloring. Even her features are more delicate than theirs. What really stands out is the way they treat her. She really is their hired help, maid’s uniform and all, and not a family member.
“When we get back to the station, we need to dive deeper into Guinevere Chambers.” I smile because I’m going to figure this out, and tomorrow when I come back for her, I’m going to talk her into leaving with me. But tonight I’m working this aggression out of my system at the gym.