Page 35 of Rocco's Atonement
“One more push,sweetheart. You can do this,” Rocco says next to my head. I turn to look him in the eye and smile at my husband and soon-to-be father of my child. “I love you, Ever, always and forever.” His voice is full of emotion.
Tears burn in my eyes as I nod and lean up. I push hard as I look down at the doctor between my raised knees. I feel the burn and fullness and look between my legs to see my baby’s head crown. I watch as they suction its little mouth and push again. Its body slips from mine. We chose not to find out what I was carrying so we could be surprised. I look down and see the little penis and smile.
“It’s a boy,” Rocco exclaims, and I look up at the joy in his face.
“A boy. Little Graham.” We had decided to name him after my father, and my heart feels like it’s going to burst from joy.
Rocco leans over me and kisses me softly before he moves to help cut the cord. He hovers as the nurses and a pediatrician check over Graham. I’ve never been happier than I am at this moment.
Rocco has made a lot of my dreams come true, but I did that too. I smile at my men as Rocco exclaims over our son.
Just last month I self-published my very first erotic romance novel. I have a contract with a large publishing company for a five-book romantic suspense series, and I’ve handed off the reins of Chambers, LLC to Geoffrey to run. It was what my father had wanted, and who am I to argue with that.
Geoffrey is excited to be a great-uncle, but he’s more like a grandfather. He’s become my father in every sense of the term over the last eight months. He walked me down the aisle to the man of my dreams. I hope he can find love again someday. I’ve seen him and Patience making sneaky eyes at each other.
I knew months ago Rocco was giving me memories I never thought I would get, and right here, right this moment as they lay my son on my chest and I look at him, I know it’s all because of Rocco. I look up at my husband with tears rolling down my face, exhausted from the hours of pushing and labor, and know that he loves me.
“Thank you.” I smile up at him, showing him all my love.
“For what, sweetheart?” He leans down to kiss my forehead as his hand gently rests on the back of our son, who is trying to find my breast to nurse.
I accommodate Graham first, then look back up at my husband.
“For saving me.”
“I’ll always save you, my love, because you rescued me too.”