Page 23 of Rocco's Atonement
I hated walking away from her, but Linc and Geoffrey talked me into it being the right thing to do. They said she needed time to find herself before I told her how I felt or before I demanded she let me in her life. But that doesn’t mean I can’t watch over her from afar.
I’m standing here watching the building she entered a couple of hours ago. I don’t know what floor she’s on or anything else. I’m not even sure this is her place. This must be where Geoffrey lives. They’re probably trying to throw me off, knowing I would follow.
“Knew you would be here,” Linc says from behind me. I knew he was coming up on me, but I don’t want him to know he’s lost his edge.
“Why didn’t you take her to her place? I won’t disturb her; I just want to keep an eye on her. I promised her I would keep her safe.”
“This is her place. She has one of the penthouses. Geoffrey lives here too in a condo on a lower floor. But he’ll be staying in one of her guest rooms tonight so she isn’t alone. I got this. Go get some rest.”
“No. I’m not leaving her. Milton is still out there. Plus, George and Carmen made bail already.”
“Their assets were frozen as soon as you took them into custody. They must have had money stashed somewhere. Tomorrow Guinevere will have control of everything, and they won’t be able to get it ever again.”
“Tomorrow? Geoffrey is rushing her.”
“He wants to make sure George doesn’t steal more from her, and it’s her right. She is a Chambers. She’s the head Chambers. George knew this, and that’s why he kept her under his thumb for so long. Now, if she wants to kick them out of their condo and sell that place, she can. Everything is hers, it always has been.”
“She won’t do that. She is too softhearted to be mean to them, even if they hurt her again.”
“Go home. My men have this.”
“No, you go home to your family. I’m not leaving her.” He moves away from me, and I walk back to my car where I take a seat and watch the entrance. This is a high-tech building with state-of-the-art security, so I know I don’t have to worry, but I will until I’m beside her again. I’m not going to give her long, and I’ll keep in touch with her. She deserves it. She deserves everything. I want to give it all to her. I can’t compete with her wealth, but I can give her security and love.
I must have drifted off because the next thing I know I’m awoken by a pounding on the roof of my car and the sun shining down on my face. I look out the window to see Noah standing there. I open the door and step out.
“I bet Linc you wouldn’t leave. I remember that feeling.” He nods at me. “My girl was in danger too when we got together. But I had her under my roof as soon as I could and in my bed.”
“They told me she needed space to grow and feel freedom before I take over her life.”
“You plan to take it over?”
“No. I just want to be with her.”
He nods toward the entrance of the building, and I look over to see a woman along with a couple of gentlemen in suits entering the premises.
“Those are her bodyguards and Geoffrey’s assistant. Guinevere will be down shortly. As for everyone else, I’d tell them to go fuck themselves and push my way in. Tell her you ain’t taking over her life and keeping her prisoner as they did. You’re her man and want to be with her.”
“I’m going to give her some time. She’s been so sheltered that she doesn’t know what she wants.”
“Yeah, sure. Give her time. When it blows up in your face, don’t come whining to me.” He chuckles and moves across the street. As big as he is, he moves smoothly like a tiger stalking his prey. His muscles are coiled and ready for a fight if needed. I continue to watch him until Damian shows up with coffee and a breakfast sandwich.
“Thanks, man.”
“We are supposed to be in the office in an hour. I figured you’d be here.”
“I can’t leave her. No matter what they want.”
I watch as moments later a large black SUV pulls up to the entrance. Ever walks out surrounded by people. She is moving slowly, and I notice she’s in high heels. I take in her expensive-looking outfit of blue trim slacks, a blue-and-white striped ruffled sleeveless shirt, and bright yellow heels. She has a yellow-and-blue bag and matching jacket draped around her arm. Her hair is in a long braid down her back and sunglasses cover her eyes.
“She cleans up real nice. Looks like she is fitting into the elite crowd pretty well.” Damian chuckles. The urge to punch him is great for commenting on her looks, but I’m speechless.
She climbs into the back of the SUV carefully. I want to be there to help her, but I notice she isn’t taking help from anyone. The SUV pulls away, and I want to follow but know I have to get to work and let her be. I’ll be back tonight to watch her again. Noah waves a hand toward me before he moves into a second SUV with Linc driving.