Page 12 of Rocco's Atonement
“I had to do that. We need Chambers to think we are done with this. Commissioner Caine thinks we have some people in the department who are on Chambers’s payroll, along with a couple of judges. How do you think he got that protective order so quickly?”
“Okay. I’ll see you in the morning. But I swear, if anything happens to her…” I leave the words hanging, the threat obvious. I move to the side. I’m going to wait and follow them to make sure she’s okay.
“Rocco, leave. I have someone else going to follow them. You can’t because of that.” He waves to the paper clenched in my fist.
I turn on my heels and storm off to grab a cab back to my apartment. If I stay here any longer, I won’t be able to stop myself from following her. I know she will be leaving the hospital against medical advice, just like last time. George can’t have her injuries looked at too closely. I stop in my tracks and turn back to my lieutenant.
“Get her medical records before he has them destroyed or buried. They took pictures of all her injuries. She was beaten. She didn’t fall down no staircase.” Besides, there aren’t very many stairs in that condo, but I don’t tell him that. I also don’t tell him that I figured this could happen and took pictures myself on my cell phone. I knew it would be the only way to protect her further.
“The ADA is getting an order to get them before Chambers can do that.” He smiles, and I realize he’s got information I don’t if the assistant district attorney is already involved.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
His eyes slowly light up. “Oh, we found out some information today when you left for your coffee date. Shaw will let you know tomorrow. Have a good night.”
I want to demand he tell me now, but knowing his reputation, he won’t tell me until he’s ready to.
I climb into a cab and have it take me to my gym, where I keep a locker with a set of workout clothes and there’s a treadmill with my name on it.
* * *
Five Finger Death Punch blares through my headphones as I take all my anger out on the treadmill. I don’t notice the person next to me as I keep all my focus on my thoughts. A hand waving catches my attention and I turn my head.
I slow down the treadmill and pull out my earbuds to face my old partner. Linc is just as big as he was before he left the force. He still works out hard to keep the muscle, even after he was down for several weeks after he was shot because of me. That thought causes my lip to curl in disgust. Not at him, but myself. The self-hate I feel is still strong.
“Oh, don’t look at me that way.” He smirks. “You need to get laid.” He tries to joke with me, but there will only be one woman for me, and I fear she is so damaged she won’t ever want to be with me.
“No,” I growl as I continue to run. I turn away from him. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have a family to harass? A new job to do?” Yeah, there’s a bit of jealousy that he has a life I want with Ever. Kids, a job that I enjoy, and a home.
“I heard you could use a friend.” He looks forward and starts up his treadmill.
“Why did you forgive me?” I ask without looking at him.
“Dude, we’ve been over this before. There was nothing to forgive. She manipulated you. You thought you were doing the right thing.” He stops his treadmill and looks at me. I stop mine and give him the attention he deserves.
“I don’t mean that. I could have killed you.” I wave my hand toward his shoulder.
“Yeah, well I got you back for that by you letting me punch you.” He chuckles and starts his treadmill again. He starts a jog, and I stand there for a moment. He’s right. After he healed, we met up at this very gym and climbed into the ring, where I let him beat on me a bit. I’ll admit only to myself that he’s pretty good and I didn’t have to let him, he got the best of me.
“Well, don’t forget I let you beat on me.” I laugh as I start a cooldown process so my legs aren’t too messed up tomorrow.
“Tell me about her.” He doesn’t ask any more than that. He noticed I didn’t say I would find someone. He took my no for what it was, there won’t be anyone but her. Just like I knew when he found Rylee.
“She’s so beaten down, man. Her family treats her like a slave, not their daughter. I don’t get it.”
“Want me to have my team run some background?”
“Yeah, if you could. I have a feeling going through the proper channels will cause issues. Her name is Guinevere Chambers.”
I give him her birthdate and that we suspect she was born here in New York. I watch as he pauses and sends a text. The company he works for now, Securities International, is based out of the UK, but Linc is with their New York office as their NYPD Liaison. His former partner and best friend, Noah, is the head of the local office. I’ve met him and his family too.
He continues to pepper me with more questions, and I try to answer as many as I can.
“You know she’s going to need to heal before she moves into a relationship with you. I know you don’t want to hear that, but it would be for the best. If she’s as sheltered as you say, she’ll need to explore before she gets tied down.”
“I don’t want to tie her down.”
“Then don’t start anything with her if it ain’t forever for you.” I love that my friend wants to protect her, but he doesn’t need to do that.
I slam the stop button and stare him down.
“I want forever with her, but I’m not going to tie her down. I’m not going to lock her up like her family has done. I just want a chance,” I bark at him.
He holds his hands up in defense after he stops his treadmill too. “Let’s move to the punching bags,” he suggests, and I nod.