Page 3 of Please Me
I wasn’t preparedfor this. Nope, no way, no how. Surely, I should have known by now that life throws you curveballs, and that’s exactly what happened today. Practically foisting myself into Decker’s arms wasn’t part of any kind of plan, hanging out with him, watching the water ripple off his body, noticing the way he was openly looking at me in that way that you know a man wants you. And the feeling is entirely mutual.
“You ready to go up again?” We’ve already done it once. I took my shorts off, only wearing my bathing suit. It was a good thing I didn’t give up my time at the gym before this vacation, or I would have been totally screwed. The guide showed us up the rocky cliff, much like when we were climbing down, but this time, I was surer on my feet, though that could have been because I was giving Decker the view of my ass. I almost wished I chose a different bathing suit instead of the cheeky one I was wearing, but that’s life. Anyways, we watched our guide jump off into the vibrant blue water, let a few others go in front of us, then Decker and I took our turn. Only then did we swim around to the waterfall, taking in the beauty around us.
“I think I’ll sit this one out.” Right now, we’re perched on a small embankment. My feet are in the water, lazily moving back and forth, a nervous energy type trait I can’t stop no matter how hard I try. The sun is peeking through the foliage, thankfully not glaring on us. If it were, we’d all be sunburnt no matter the tone of your skin. There’s something about the sun glaring off the water that makes it ten times worse, no matter how much sunscreen you apply.
“I’ll go grab us a couple of waters and a sandwich, then. Any preference?” Did I seriously dream for someone like Decker as a little girl? Absolutely. Did I ever think for one minute that I’d meet said ‘Prince Charming’? No. And I’m not saying Decker will be that man because I barely know him, but damn is he really achieving a goal he has no idea about.
“Nope, I’m not picky. Four brothers will do that to you, though.” Decker’s eyes widen at my statement.
“Four brothers? I have one, and sometimes he’s one too many.” He shakes his head, then continues, “Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother, but he’s a handful. You’re a woman, and beautiful at that. I bet they were beating boys away your whole life. I’d bet they still are.”
I don’t get a chance to respond. Decker’s already got his back turned towards me as he makes his way to where the guide laid out sandwiches, chips, fruit, and drinks in a buffet style on a table. He’s not wrong, though. In high school having a date for prom was near impossible. Even with my older brothers being gone, Deke and Asa both left a lasting impression before they graduated. My eyes watch Decker’s body, his fluidity as he walks along the rocks, strong shoulders broad, then his torso narrowing in at the hips, giving way to muscular legs. And he thinks I’m beautiful. Me thinks Decker should look in a mirror. I look around at the other people around us, some older couples, a few younger ones, definitely newlyweds in the bunch with the way they can’t keep their eyes or hands off each other, so much so that I almost feel like a voyeur glancing their way.
“I hope you like ham or turkey. It was either that or tuna, and I figured taking your chances with that might not be a great idea.” Decker moves to sit back down beside me, the front view as perfect as the one from behind. He’s a man, not in the overly-built I-spend-hours-a-day-at-the-gym way, you know, the ones who spend more time on themselves than others. Yep, I went on two dates with a guy like that. Why I gave him a second chance I have no idea, but we were like oil and water, that’s for sure. Where he was all about clean eating, working out, and himself, I was about living my life to the fullest, gorging on chips and salsa while still spending some time working on myself. Okay, fine, the required twenty to thirty minutes a day at the gym or walking was it, but I’m definitely more family oriented. That’s why when I look at Decker, I can tell he’s not like that guy whose name is purposely slipping my memory.
“Thank you. I must say I’m not picky, but you made the absolute best decision because tuna isn’t my favorite, unless it comes the form of sushi.” I wrinkle my nose. Decker laughs.
“Good to know.” We get settled, each of us quiet as we eat. We both must have been hungry because our food is gone within minutes.
“How long are you here?” I ask him, once we have our trash secured in the bag that was provided for our lunch. My body feels full and languid, so I lie back on the rocks, absorbing their heat.
“Ten days. You?” Decker does that thing with his teeth, biting his lower lip, and even in the hot Belize sun, the heat that surrounds him looking at me has my skin covered with goose bumps.
“Two weeks.” Looks like some kind of kismet put us here together. I can only hope it’ll lead to some amazing things.
“Gives us plenty of time.” Decker doesn’t elaborate, and I don’t question him either. That’s probably because I already know what I’d like to be doing the next ten days, and I plan on making sure that happens.