Page 22 of Please Me
“You cock-sucking son of a bitch.Didn’t get enough of your licks in while fucking over our company, then you go after our sister.” Freaking Keller, like a bull in a china shop, barreling into the back porch, but the words he’s using have Alana ready to box his ears.
“Keller Hart, that’s enough,” Mom tells him. “Jace, why don’t we go see what just came in the mail for you?”
“What? He’s not wrong. That dumbass could have costs us the company, not to mention the damn hoops we had to jump through to get it fixed in a timely manner.” Tanner breaks my heart a little bit with that statement. I know it’s the truth. I also know my husband.
“What did you say your last name was, son?” Son of a biscuit. Now Dad is chiming in.
“Williams.” Decker remains calm, not saying anything, and I know that’s hard for him. My brothers, if they knew half the story, they’d shut their mouths, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards.
“Tanner, Keller.” The tone in my voice is a warning. My hand doesn’t leave Decker’s, even when he stands up to be on an even playing ground. That’s when Keller notices our rings.
“I’m going to fucking kill you! I swear to God, Leena, if you’re pregnant with this douche’s kid—” That’s my second oldest brother, the one I’ve never heard this much disdain from, even when I broke the unspoken ultimate family rule when I went on a job interview.
“You’ll what, Keller? Not want anything to do with me or our child? And no, I’m not pregnant, you big doofus, but even if I were, then so be it. We all stood by your side, through thick and thin. Right, big brother? Or does that only apply when it’s good for the majority?” Tanner rocks back on his heels, a slick smile on his face he doesn’t think I notice.
“Tanner, you’re not much better. I know what happened when it all went down. I also know that Decker Williams is a great man and an even better husband.” Speaking of, I’m really not allowing him to say a word. Truth be told, he’s helped me out plenty of times lately, and I kind of feel like this time, it’s my turn.
“Do you even know what happened, and not the watered-down version?” My eyes swing back to Keller’s. Alana took one look at what was going on and went back inside. Marlie is standing with her arms crossed over her chest, a look of annoyance on her face.
“Baby, I think it’s time you let me respond. Love that you have my back, but the truth is, they don’t know everything that happened either. I kept that private between my family and, well, you.” I pull on his hand, attempting to get him to sit down, much like Dad is still.
“I think you boys know what happened the last time this family had a falling out. Deke may be doing his own thing, but do you really want your baby sister to choose her husband over her family? Because I know if I were in her shoes, roles were reversed, guess who I’d chose?” Dad’s fingers are in a triangle pressed against his lips. He’s done that for so many years, especially when he’s deep in thought. “Your mother, she’d win every single time. I’m thinking Leena would choose Decker in this situation, so you may want to take a seat, listen to what the man has to say, and come to some kind of agreement because, boys, he’s in your life, whether you like it or not.”
“What did I miss?” We’re interrupted by Asa and Montana making their grand appearance. I’m up and out of my seat, running to my best friend, wrapping my arms around her shoulders, hugging her tightly. “I’m married!” Montana jumps up and down with me, both of us acting like how we usually do—crazy, outrageous, and loud when we’re together.
“My best friend is married! Oh my gosh, let me see the ring!” We block out the men in the group. I already know Tanner and Keller are glaring daggers at Decker. They’ll just have to wait. This is my moment with my ride-or-die friend, and I’m going to soak it up.
“Oh shit, baby sister pulled the least expected.” Asa pulls me out of Montana’s arms and wraps his around me in a bear hug.
“Do me a favor and tell the two other bozos to at least listen to my husband.” I wouldn’t have thought that Asa would be so cool, calm, and collected. Truth be told, that would have once upon a time been Deke, but Jesus, that brother of mine has become a recluse, hard to get ahold of and completely closed off.
“Ah shit, well, there are some things even superheroes like me can’t fix, but I’ll try my best. I’m thinking, though, baby sis, it might be time for you to take Montana inside and let us menfolk talk. Mainly Decker, yeah?” He squeezes me one last time and kisses the side of my head.
“I suppose you might be right; I’ll just go let him know what I’m doing. Be nice to him, okay? If you think our family has drama, you’ll be sorely mistaken.” I leave Asa with those parting words, giving him a hint of just what Decker’s been through. Hopefully, it evens the playing ground when it comes to my brothers.