Page 20 of Please Me
After our wedding night,we didn’t leave the resort until it was Decker’s last day of vacation, which meant cutting mine short. I was more than fine with it, especially when he handled all of the travel arrangements, moving my flight to be with his. Yes, I’m an independent woman and take care of more than my fair share of responsibilities; that’s not to say that it isn’t nice to have someone help take the load off every now and then. So, when it was all said and done, our luggage together when we walked out of our resort into the waiting car, being whisked to the airport, going through customs on both ends, then finally making it to his big SUV, one that is the likes of what my mom drives around, Decker helped me inside, and we drove to his place. My car is still at my place. Asa offered to drop me off at the airport, and since I’m not due home for a few more days, I surely wasn’t going to ask for a ride just yet.
“Decker, this is your place?” I ask. We’re pulling into a driveway that’s long. Literally, the only thing you can see is the trees lining the road we’re on. You can’t even see his house.
“It is.” He doesn’t elaborate, and I don’t ask. We drive up further, and there’s a pond to the right of where we’re pulling in, green grass, a clearing around the waterfront view, a small building on the other side, and then his house makes an appearance.
Once we make it up to where the house is located, I see a pretty two-story home with front steps that lead to a wraparound porch, though I’m unsure if the dormers are real or if it’s a true two-story home. It’s dark green in color with rich wood tones throughout. Chairs are on each side of the double front door, ceiling fans that you no doubt need with the Florida heat and humidity. We don’t pull up to the front of the house, though. That would be because there’s a massive detached garage off to the side that screams ‘I’m a male, hear me roar!’
“You’re not having second thoughts about staying here, are you? I mean, I know it’s out in the boonies, so to speak.” He’s not wrong about that. Some people don’t realize that Florida may be known as having water surrounding it along with piles of lakes and rivers throughout, but we really do have lush land that’s not overridden by the city, too.
“Not at all, unless you’re hiding a meat grinder and a few deep freezers in the garage.” I laugh at my own joke.
“No, goof. I have a deep freezer, but not the rest, or even a cleaver. I think you’re safe and sound, baby.” He puts the vehicle in park, this one noticeably not canary yellow. Instead, it’s black on black—black exterior and interior as well as the rims on it. It fits Decker’s personality accurately, that’s for sure. The same goes for his home, at least from what I’ve seen so far—cool, sophisticated with a bit of a down home feel.
“Shew, saved by that one,” I tease back. He climbs out of the vehicle after taking the keys out of the ignition. I’m in such a fog watching him that by the time he’s around the front of the SUV, I finally unlatch my seatbelt and attempt to open the door, but Decker is already there doing it for me.
“Baby, you ready to see the inside of the house, or are you going to hang out in the garage all night?” After traveling all day, the only thing I want to do is shower, eat, and collapse into bed. In that exact order.
“I mean it is cozy, but I think I’d get hot out here through the night, so the house might not be a bad idea.” Decker grins at me, shaking his head in that manner I already know what he’s thinking.
“Jesus, baby, let’s get you inside. I’m thinking all the traveling today is getting to you.” His hand wraps around mine, helping me out, not worrying about our luggage right now. Apparently, he’s a man on a mission. We walk the short distance, up the steps, and to the side entrance while I’m taking in everything—the stained wood beneath our feet, the big windows that I know with the morning sun make his place open and airy.
“Decker, please tell me you have food in the house? I don’t care if it’s crackers and Cheez Whiz at the moment.” Maybe he’s not wrong about all the traveling when my stomach lets out a loud growl.
“I’m pretty sure Ma came and restocked the fridge. I might have been a bachelor, baby, but I’m not a fan of eating out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She knows that and knew I was coming home today. How about I get you settled in the shower? I’ll come back down and make us a sandwich, then we’ll get some sleep.” We’re in a mudroom of sorts. A bench to sit down and take off your shoes is on one wall; the opposite side holds a washer and dryer, along with a sink. I never really understood the reasoning to have one of those as a little girl, until one day, Mom was busy grumbling about having to get the grease stains out of Dad’s jeans in the kitchen sink. That’s when I put two and two together. Now, years later, along with the addition she has one now, too.
“Oh man, that sounds delicious.” Decker kicks his shoes off. I do the same, then follow him into the kitchen. My feet feel the coolness beneath them, and where some people would have tile or wood floors, it’s then I realize he has concrete floors with a glaze over them. The kitchen is awesome, not like most these days where it’s pristine white; it’s wood cabinets, dark countertops, stainless steel appliances, and pretty freaking massive, too.
“You want to eat first, then?” Decker offers.
“If you don’t mind. Maybe you’ll wash my back, and I’ll wash yours?” I’m reaching, and I know it, but ask me if I care.
“Baby, anytime you want to shower with me, you don’t even have to ask. Nothing better than seeing your body bare, hands all over my body, and finishing with me buried inside your cunt.” He picks me up and places me on the kitchen counter, spreading my thighs to wedge his body between mine. He doesn’t do anything sexual, though, even after the words he just gave me. Instead, he kisses my forehead, then pulls away before I can even wrap my legs around his waist to hold him there. Nope, this man of mine moves to the refrigerator and starts making our food instead, while telling me to stay put, doing it all on his own. I’m finding I love all the ways Decker finds to take care of me.