Page 10 of Please Me
“Today was a lot of fun,”Leena says once we finish doing the four zipline trails. We’re returning our harnesses, helmets, and gloves. She shot laughter and smiles my way when we were doing a couple side by side, her attempting to get ahead of me. In one instance, she did, though I didn’t admit that I slowed myself down to let her have it.
“It was. Do you want to grab food while we’re out or eat at my place?” Throughout the day, it’s been small touches, happy smiles, and a few times she’d press a kiss against my lips, initiating it first.
“Would you hate it if I suggested we eat out? I know you paid for the zipline, and I didn’t have a chance to offer to pay half, so I’ll cover our lunch,” she attempts to offer as we walk towards the hideous-colored Jeep. Not that it’s a bad vehicle. The color, though, you can’t miss it even if you’re wearing the darkest of shades of sunglasses.
“I’m not hating the idea; I’m not worried about you paying your way. You want to do something, tomorrow the floor is yours. Pick the time, the place, the activity.” I don’t say a word about her paying, already seeing that it could be an issue between her feeling like she needs to and me knowing damn sure I won’t let it happen.
“Good. Snorkeling is definitely in the mix. I bet with where you’re staying, the isolated area, over the water, we could do it right there. I’m going to ask the concierge when we get back, plus you’re fully stocked with food, so I’ll cook for us.” I’d be a fool to not like that idea—Leena in a bathing suit, me helping her apply sunscreen, no one around to bother us. Fuck yeah. Leena making these plans, I’m more than ready for it.
“I like that idea. Two birds one stone, plus we won’t be with a big group if there is any good snorkeling around my place.” I wink. She blushes as I help her into the passenger side of the vehicle. She slides into the seat, and I’m automatically helping her buckle in, my thumb gliding along in its path, sweeping over the swell of her breast, trailing until it hits the sliver of skin that’s peeking out where her tank top meets her shorts.
“Decker.” My eyes meet hers. There’s no way I’m going to take this further, or we’ll never leave the parking lot. Instead, I say, “I have no problem with that. Pull your phone out and find a place to eat. The more of a hole in the wall, the better.”
Instead of staying there, I shut the door, walk around the front of the Jeep, open my door, hop in, and Leena still hasn’t pulled her phone out. I don’t say a word, though, letting her have a moment to herself. If she’s feeling anything like I was earlier today, she’ll need more than a moment.
“You don’t play fair. Has anyone ever told you that, Decker?” She’s out of her lust-induced fog. My hand is resting on top of the steering wheel, sunglasses on top of my hat; I don’t need them with the covering of the Jeep. Leena’s are on top of her head, holding back the fly-aways that came out of her ponytail. She’s not upset, though. If anything, I’m guessing she’s coming up with a way to pay me back, a foreplay of sorts. One that I’m definitely getting off on.
“Can’t say that they have. I’m thinking you don’t mind it too much either. Wasn’t it you who backed your ass into my cock while we were waiting for our turn not long ago?” I put the ball in her court.
“Okay, fine, you didn’t help matters, wrapping your arm around my waist and holding me there.” She rolls her eyes, a playful smile on her face.
“We’ll go with that.” She pulls out her phone. I put the key in the ignition and start the Jeep, my arm on the back of the headrest while I back out of the parking spot. I’ll drive around until she lets me know of a place to eat; it’s no sweat off my back to wait on her.
“Oh, I found a place.” I’m barely out of the parking lot; in fact, I’m at a stop sign when she says, “Look at this place? It’s outdoors, not really a building but more like a small tiki-like hut, on the water, and only about ten minutes from here.” She shows me the pictures on her phone.
“I’m good with that.” She pulls up the GPS, and we drive to the place while her hand covers mine on the center console, music is playing in the background, and she’s singing along to it, completely out of tune, but either Leena is unaware, or maybe she gives zero shits. Whichever it is, it’s cute as hell.