Page 7 of Safe Haven
How is this my life?That question replayed in my mind as we rode the elevator up to the twenty-second floor.
“It’s going to be fine,” Miles said with a shrug. His scent was intoxicating, a manly mix of wood and leather. It was interesting for an omega. Generally, we all had sweeter scents, no matter the omega’s gender, but it somehow fit the man next to me. “The only one who will be an ass is Tallon, and he’ll likely just give you the silent treatment. I’m not sure he knows more than a few words and phrases, anyway.”
“Sounds delightful,” I mumbled as I hugged my backpack to my chest. It surprised me that he’d protested me going to that shelter. Omegas were territorial, and even male omegas could be downright vicious when it came to keeping unclaimed omegas away from their pack. Yet here he was, giving me insight into their dynamic.
But how could I argue now that I was seeing the boarded up windows and lack of security? If it was just me, fine. But this was me and my baby at stake. I couldn’t take that risk. Especially not with those drunken alphas hanging on the corner, hoping for an omega with a death wish to wander outside.
They didn’t give me any more reassurance as the elevator dinged past floor after floor. When it finally opened, my jaw dropped. I’d expected another fancy lobby, not direct access to their place. Yet here we were, standing in a foyer that likely cost more than the home I’d grown up in. I was way out of my depth here, and it felt like they could all see it even though I knew that was my insecurity rearing its head after the awful day I’d had.
Four men were standing in what I assumed were supposed to be casual positions around the room, like they just happened to be there, totally not waiting for our arrival. Ellis’ snort confirmed their complete lack of nonchalance.
“Smooth, guys. This is Briar. She’s staying here for a bit.” His words held a finality that led to no argument from the others, and I took the moment of silence to begin studying them.
One man leaned against the wall of windows, his leather jacket bulging around his muscled arms. Tattoos covered his hands and neck, the images a mix of knives, skulls, anything to make him look impossibly more intimidating. He glared at me with icy blue eyes. His hair was buzzed close to his head, and he would easily be considered handsome… if he weren’t so fucking scary, anyway. There was true anger behind the stare, and I swallowed hard before glancing at the next guy.
This one was a shirtless mountain of a man, leaning against the kitchen counter in open view. The space was open concept, with kitchen and living room all in one area so they could all see the elevator doors we’d just stepped through.
“That’s Wells,” Miles explained. “The pissed off one is Tallon if you hadn’t guessed that one already.”
Wells looked pissed as he sipped his drink. It was amber-colored, so I assumed it was whiskey or something else to help deal with the insanity of a strange pregnant omega joining them. He wasn’t as volatile as Tallon, though from the frown on his handsome face, he wasn’t pleased either. As my eyes took him in, I noticed how tightly his jeans hugged him, wishing he’d turn so I could see his ass better.
No, that’s not why you’re here.
Forcing myself to look away, I watched a sweet-looking man push away from the back of the sectional to approach us, a smile on his face.
“I’m Beckham,” the other omega greeted. “I got your room ready.” My instinct told me to be careful, to not let them assume that I wanted to encroach on their pack, but this man only radiated genuine kindness.
“Thanks,” I said, trying my best to return the smile. Everything about him screamed ‘safe,’ and I was glad I had another friendly face here. He seemed the type to wear his heart and feelings on his sleeve, and I needed that to help me face the rest of his pack.
His expressive hazel eyes were speckled with gold, and right now they were telling me he was just as curious about me as I was about him. His dark brown hair was perfectly styled, and although his outfit was casual, it was dressier than the others—a sweater and slacks. Even his scent was inviting, a soft sandalwood that wrapped around me, soothing my tightly wound nerves.
“Lead the way, Beck,” Ellis told him, gesturing toward a hallway. The omega obeyed, walking right past the last pack member who had now taken a seat. The older man had a thick beard that was well taken care of, brushed and trimmed to perfection. His hair was combed back, not hiding the hint of gray mixed in with the light brown. He wasn’t significantly older, more like early forties if I had to guess. His dark brown eyes watched me closely, his face giving nothing away. From the tucked in white button-up shirt and dress pants, he looked like a businessman, but it was just a guess. Truthfully, I knew nothing about the men I was staying with, something I refused to think about right now. If it weren’t for Liam’s trust in them, I’d never consider this. His word was enough to put the worst of my worries off.
“Breathe,” Beckham said softly as he fell into step next to me instead of leading. “They can look intimidating, but you’ll do just fine. They’re safe.” He said it like he truly meant it, and that did help ease some of my uneasiness.
“Thanks,” I said, a small but genuine smile on my lips this time.
“Of course,” he said simply, stopping at the end of the hall. “I got the guest room prepared for you. It has everything you should need for now, except clothes, and there’s an attached bathroom. I also put some snacks out in case you get hungry but aren’t comfortable enough to head to the kitchen.”
“Thank you,” I said again, fighting back tears at his thoughtfulness. The fact that this stranger cared more about me than my own family was hitting me hard. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I nodded. He gave a sympathetic smile before turning to the closed door and pushing it open.
I stepped in after him but didn’t take the time to inspect my new surroundings since Ellis followed us in, setting my suitcases inside the door. He gave me a tight smile before walking away without another word. Beckham chuckled and shook his head, seemingly completely unsurprised.
“I think he’s trying to give you space,” he explained. “Can I see your phone?”
Digging it out of my pocket, I handed it over. He pulled open contacts and added all of their names and numbers in.
“Just in case, there’s all of us, though I wouldn’t call Tallon or Wells for any pep talks just yet,” he joked.
“No worries.” I laughed in surprise at the teasing. “Definitely didn’t get warm and fuzzy vibes there.”
He grinned and headed toward the door. “No, but like I said, we’re all safe. Call me if you need anything.” He gently closed the door behind him, leaving me in a harsh silence I wasn’t quite prepared for.
Now that I was alone, I glanced around the room. It was just as nice as the rest of what I’d seen so far, though I’d barely given the living room much of a glance, with so many other things to see… like all the men standing around.
The king-sized bed was topped with fluffy gray and blue pillows and a blanket that was calling my name. It had a swirling metal headboard that probably cost more than everything I owned, not that I had much in the way of possessions anymore.
The carpet in the room was plush, like I was walking on a cloud. Even the artwork was nice, pretty and neutral, giving the room cozy but expensive vibes.
Yup, definitely in over my head.
There was a small counter with cabinets underneath and a mini fridge settled alongside it. On top was the basket of snacks Beckham had mentioned, way more than even a pregnant lady could eat.
With a sigh, I sat on the small window seat, glancing out at the city. Rain had started to fall, casting gray clouds over the shining lights, but it was still a gorgeous view. If someone had told me I’d end this awful fucking nightmare in a penthouse with a pack of very hot men, I’d have thought they’d lost it. Yet here I was, stuck in the middle of this pack with no clear plans for my future.
What I’d told them was true. I had one month before all hope would be lost for my job prospects. I wanted to earn my keep and contribute my fair share, but it was going to be damn near impossible. Online jobs would be my best bet, but my skills were in the corporate world and politics, not exactly the prerequisites for online marketing jobs. Not to mention, I even have a completed internship on my resume. Hell, even bringing up my unfinished work with the mayor could be a major risk. Vivian had said if I left, it would be over, but who knew how fucking far she would go?
Sighing in defeat, I decided to let that be tomorrow’s problem. I’d had enough of dealing with the heavier things for tonight. I finally unzipped the backpack Liam gave me, dumping it on the bed. I gasped as I looked at its contents. Three wads of cash were bundled in rubber bands, thick enough I knew it wasn’t a small amount. There was also a knife that folded in on itself and pepper spray, two things I definitely would have needed if I’d stayed at the omega shelter. The rest were some random things like his lucky keychain, a coin with a hole in the middle that we’d gotten at some tourist trip on our last family vacation. It was from years ago, but it made me smile that he’d kept it and had sent it with me. I packed it back up, both grateful for the cash and totally unsure what to do with it. Finally, I noticed a weight in the front pocket, finding a leather journal there when I unzipped it. Flipping it open, I nearly ugly sobbed at the words on the page.
Dear niece or nephew,
Today was hard, but I’ve never seen your mom act so strong. You’re going to be such a good thing for her and your uncle Liam will be right there with you guys when the time comes. Just know that no matter what you hear about your mom’s past, you were the bright spot among it all.
We already love you,
Uncle Liam