Page 56 of Safe Haven
“What’s wrong?”
“I think my water just broke,” I said. They all glanced down with a mix of panic and excitement, then almost all of my mates rushed for the car without me. Both Miles and Beck grabbed an arm, and between the two of them, they basically carried me to the car.
“Who do you think will be the one to realize?” Beckham asked.
“Graham,” Miles and I said together, cracking up when the man in question smacked his head and ran back.
“God, I’m sorry, Briar,” he said, looking genuinely embarrassed. “So much for alphas being the calm protectors.”
“Oh, honey, no one thinks alphas are calm.” Miles snorted. “Let’s get her to the car. Someone needs to call Anita. I’ve got her number in the glove box.”
“What would we do without omegas?” Graham grinned as they helped me get in the car. Miles dug in the glove box and grabbed out the card before buckling me in. “Let’s go.”
“It’s too early,” I said, the reality that I was only thirty-six weeks hitting me.
“They said they wouldn’t stop the labor if you went into it naturally,” Ellis reminded me.
“You guys are like a fucking encyclopediaaaaah!” My words were cut short by a screech of pain as a contraction hit, my entire belly tensing with it.
“Hang in there, Briar. We’re on our way,” Graham vowed as he drove back to Grove City. I was just thankful that it had happened close to home, not in that wretched city. Either way, Oliver was coming whether I was ready or not.