Page 49 of Safe Haven
My heart pounded as we walked into Alejandro’s Cantina. Graham had rented out the entire place, so the center of the room was now occupied by one long, candle-lit table. They’d moved all the others aside to make it front and center. A dessert table sat next to the bar, and atop it sat a cute blue cake along with a full spread of all of Alejandro’s desserts.
“I made sure your favorites were up there,” Alejandro said when he walked up, catching me drooling over the dessert. “I hear we have big news. Congratulations!”
“We do,” I said with a smile.
“You look radiant. I’m happy for you all,” he said respectfully. He gave a bow before turning to Graham. “Did we decide between individual plates or a sampler for everyone?”
“Sampler, let’s make it as easy as possible,” Graham said, then he followed Alejandro to the bar to handle it.
“How are you feeling?” Wells’ voice was teasing, and I gave him a mock glare.
“I don’t know how you expect me to sit through a whole dinner now,” I joked. “I’m a bit sore.”
“Good.” He grinned, guiding me to a chair right in the middle. The press of his hand against my lower back only served to remind me of what other parts of him had been pressed against me before we came here. Although I had told the truth about being a little sore, my body was ready for a second round of whatever my alpha wanted to give me. Luckily, the logical part of me intervened, pointing out that now was not the time and this was definitely not the place. My touch-starved body would need to rein it in… at least until the guests left.
I settled into the seat, glad the ache was fairly minimal. “Tallon!” I jumped at the sharp command for our beta, who was talking to Miles across the room. He started to complain until he saw me sitting. Miles followed him over and sandwiched Tallon between us. Beck took my other side while the alphas settled across the table, forcing our guests to take the seats on either side of our unified pack. This. This was what a pack was supposed to do—protect each other, love one another, and use their resources, be it mind, body, or money, to make sure that each member felt safe and loved.
“Stay in your seat, Briar,” Ellis suggested. “Getting up and down would be exhausting, and they can greet you from there.”
“You going to order your families around, too?” I teased. He simply winked at me as the door opened. At the sight of Liam, I rushed out of my chair, ignoring his protests.
“You look amazing!” Liam grinned before crouching down to hover his face inches from my belly. “Hey, little man, I’m your uncle Liam. I can’t wait to meet you.”
“Stop,” I choked out. God, I was an emotional mess. Two sentences, and I was already fighting off tears. “I can’t take the cuteness.”
He laughed and straightened up, giving me another hug. “There’s someone I want you to meet.” I gasped and almost shoved him aside to see who was behind him. A shy omega stood there with a stack of presents in her hands that he promptly took. She smiled up at him in thanks, and I was fighting back those damn tears again. There was so much adoration and happiness in her expression, I could hug her. Because my brother deserved every fucking bit of it.
“Hello. I’m Briar.” She turned a nervous smile on me, and I knew exactly how she felt. “Look, I’m meeting my pack’s family and friends tonight, so let's shake off this awkwardness. I’ll feel enough for both of us later.”
She laughed; it was a sweet, melodic sound that fit her petite frame and bright smile. “Ouch.” She winced. “And it’s nice to meet you. I’m Cora.”
“So, how’d you two meet?” I asked, gesturing for her to sit at the table. Beckham had shifted to the other side to leave room for her and Liam by me. I gave him a silent thanks before focusing in on her.
“He’s doing his residency at the hospital I work at. I’m a nurse in the labor and delivery department,” she explained.
“That’s amazing,” I gushed, listening as she went into the adorable story of how he’d flirted with her until he worked up the guts to ask her out. He looked so damn happy as he listened to her talk. I barely held back from asking if they were going to try to make a bigger pack or stay as a duo. I’d just ask him later when she wasn’t around.
My attention was pulled away by a boisterous laugh, and I saw Miles hugging a man who looked a lot like him. He was a bit taller, an alpha, and his blond hair was shorter.
Miles led him over to the table and stopped behind his chair, looking over at me. “This is Briar, our newest pack member.” I gave an awkward wave. “This is my cousin, Christopher.”
“Cousin, best friend, dashingly handsome comrade, whichever you prefer,” he joked, with a mischievous smile. Apparently, that ran in the family. Thankfully, he didn’t dive into a bunch of questions. He and Miles settled into chairs and conversation, catching up with one another.
Next to come in was Wells’ parents. His mom, Elise, was a sweet omega with bright red hair. She was gorgeous and genuinely kind. Instead of a handshake, she gave me a hug before moving down the line of my guys, giving them each love, before fawning over Wells about how handsome he’d gotten since she last saw him. I held back a laugh at the bright red lipstick she left on his cheek. He blushed and waved her off before introducing his beta, alpha, and omega fathers. They were just as nice. The alpha, Sam, was quiet and stoic like Wells had been when I first met him. The omega, Lance, was a sweet guy who made sure Elise made it to her seat before taking his. Arlo was the beta; he was a charmer, joking with the guys and giving me a wave before clapping a hand on Wells’ back.
I was acutely aware that Tallon and Beckham’s parents still hadn’t arrived, and eventually, Graham had Alejandro get everyone drinks and chips and dip.
Then Elise looked at me and asked how we met. Thank fuck for Liam speaking up for me, ever my protector.
“Ellis is one of my best friends, so when I introduced them, it was an easy friendship that obviously turned into more,” he explained.
“That’s so great. It’s always nice to have family be accepting of your mates,” she said with a smile. “My mom might be a bit… overbearing.”
“A bit?” Arlo asked with a laugh. “Let’s just say we won’t stop by unannounced and fuss about how you keep house and cook.”
“Well, you wouldn’t get far on the cooking front. I’m awful!” I joked back. He nudged Wells at that.
“I like her. She can take a joke,” he said.
“Oh, don’t let her fool you. She’s been learning well,” Graham called out from the other end of the table. He was on Ellis’ other side, chatting with Sam and Liam.
The door opened then, and a couple walked in. I could immediately tell they were Tallon’s parents. His mother had hazel eyes like Beckham, while their dad had pale blue like Tallon. They held themselves with an air of superiority, like they had somehow already judged the rest of us and found us wanting. The worst part for me was that my mind immediately compared them to my parents. It was the way they wore their superiority like a cloak and demanded attention the moment they entered the room. I could tell that appearances were everything to them, and knowing how they treated Tallon, well, that assumption checked out.
I made sure to stand up to greet them, refusing to let them cause a scene due to some imagined slight on my part. Tallon and Beckham stood with me while Graham kept the rest of the table talking. Even though it seemed like he was focusing on our guests, the alpha had his eyes trained on us, a silent way of showing his support and care. If things went to shit, he was ready to step in and be the protector.