Page 8 of Tortured Duchess (Adair Legacy)
Twirling in the mirror, I’m satisfied with how well my outfit fits. He asked for red, and he’s getting it. The sexy little romper is playful yet alluring. The scarlet material shimmers as I move, making it appear elegant while still being slightly casual.
The shorts stop just under my ass cheeks, and the plunging neckline of the thin-strapped top will have Ashton drooling. Sifting through my closet, I’m searching for the perfect black peep-toe heels that will give me a little extra height when I hear a throat clearing.
Turning my head, I see my older brother Hendrix standing with his arms crossed, a perpetual scowl on his face. I don’t think he ever smiles anymore.
“Hey, Hendrix.” I’m not surprised he’s here tonight. I would be shocked if Bishop weren't downstairs either. “Daddy call you?" I mutter to myself, "There you are,” as I find the shoes I've been looking for.
“Put some fucking clothes on, Hads,” he barks without answering my question and walks away.
“Nice to see you too!” I shout after him. Hendrix was in the Army until he was medically discharged. War has changed him. He’s grumpier now than ever before, and I don’t know how to get through to him, so I keep my distance. The last thing I want is to be a burden on him too.
“Oh, Hadley!” I hear my mom gush from the doorway. I grin as she walks in. “Spin.” She twirls a finger for me, so I do as she asks. “Your father is going to throw a fit.” We laugh together. “Don’t move. I have the perfect necklace for you.”
I wait as she dashes down the hall and returns with a long chain. As she puts it on me, with the longer part dangling down my back, I feel her clip it to the back of my shorts so it doesn’t flop around.
“Okay, now spin again.” I follow her request with a smile, feeling the tiny diamond pendant of the necklace resting between my breasts. “Perfect. If he doesn’t fall at your feet, he isn’t worthy.” As soon as the words leave her mouth, the doorbell rings, and I know that’s him.
Mom fixes my hair, smoothing some of the craziness down with her hands before walking with me downstairs. Already, I can hear Hendrix grilling Ashton, and I’m sure my dad is standing against a wall, gun in hand, ready to shoot him. Or threaten to, anyway.
“You’re not good enough for her, DeMarco.” I gasp at Hen’s words because while he can be protective, he’s never been outright mean.
All three men look up to see us coming down the stairs, and all three wear matching scowls before barking, “What the fuck are you wearing?”
I ignore them all except for Ashton. Slowly turning as I reach him, my romper is molded to my skin, and I ask, “What do you think?”
His eyes roam my body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, and I can tell he’s thinking about his answer in regard to my feelings. Especially after I burst into tears this afternoon.
“I think you look like–” My brother starts, but Ashton cuts him off.
“You finish that fucking sentence, and I’ll rip your arm off your body and beat you with it.” I’ve never heard Ashton sound so…protective.
A small thrill runs up my spine.
“You asked for red…” I say, suddenly feeling foolish for picking the sexiest thing Aria and I could find this afternoon as we tore through my entire wardrobe.
“I did ask for red,” he repeats. Chewing my lip, I fight the urge to run back up to my room when he lifts a finger, signaling for me to turn in a circle. I do so slowly so he can see everything. When I feel his fingers on the skin of my back, I stop, knowing he found the chain as he trails it up the curve of my spine.
Mom’s thumbs pop up, and her smile widens. Daddy glares at her.
“She’s not a fucking piece of meat,” Hendrix growls.
Ashton ignores him. “I shouldn’t have fucking asked for red,” he groans, and I turn so fast I nearly fall. He catches me, though. “But you’d look this good in any color, wouldn’t you?”
“For fuck's sake, are you kidding me right now? Get your fucking paws off her.” I frown back at my brother as my dad finally steps forward, dragging him out of the room.
“Mom?” Hendrix is acting so far out of character that I’m a little worried about him.
“He’s fine, honey. You two have fun. Text me if you’re going to be too late.” I nod, and she follows after the two most important men in my life.
“He always like that?” Ashton asks, and I shake my head. “You look fucking stunning, lamb. Almost too good to share with the public.” I pout. I was looking forward to it. “I’d very much like to take you back to my place and stay buried between your thighs for the next year or two instead.”
I flush at his suggestion.
“Uhm, I enjoyed how you reacted earlier.” Rubbing my hands up his shirt, I bite my lip. “So I thought you should know, I’m not wearing anything under this either.”
His eyes darken to molten lava, and the primal groan in his chest nearly vibrates the entire house. Lifting his hand, he brushes his thumb across my bottom lip, dragging it down and leaning forward to lick it.
“These cherry lips, I want them wrapped around my cock.” I grow dizzy with lust. “Tonight.” I think I might blackout.
* * *