Page 4 of Paying My Dad's Debt (Forbidden Fantasies 53)
I smile warmly at his appreciation for my dad’s skill, finally feeling somewhat more at ease. “And are you in the reserves? I know Dad was in them for a long time, but recently got out.”
My dad nods.
“Even the reserves were many moons ago,” my father sighs. “But you didn’t go that route, right Caleb? Instead, this guy got out and did something genius. He began consulting and got his first contract with the Department of Defense straightway. He’s been running the show ever since.”
Caleb nods, a glimmer of a smile on his handsome face. “I’ve been fortunate,” is all he offers by way of elaboration. Hmm, that’s interesting. Is he doing top secret work? I wouldn’t be surprised because many consulting firms hold government contracts for things you wouldn’t believe. Then again, he could be providing payroll services to Uncle Sam, and I wouldn’t know.
Fortunately, my mom bustles into the room at just that moment. “Dinner is ready, if everyone’s ready to come to the dining room,” Margaret burbles.
With that, we wander into the adjacent dining room, and I slide into my usual seat at the table, keeping one eye on Caleb as he strolls into the room. His blue eyes take in everything from the food on the table, to the painting on the far wall, to the trim on the white tablecloth. That perceptive gaze rests on me for a moment, and when our eyes lock, he doesn’t look away immediately. My cheeks flush as I go hot inside. Stop it, Lori! my internal voice scolds. Seriously, this is your dad’s friend.
Then, Caleb takes the seat directly across from me, his huge form massive in the small room, and I can’t help but sneak furtive glances at him. If he notices, he doesn’t say anything, but instead waits politely for my mom to serve the meal. After that’s done, we dig into the scrumptious food, and I’m thankful to have something to occupy my hands and mind as we eat.
“You know,” my dad says between bites, “Lori really is a smart kid. She’s at the top of her class at Lakeview College, and that’s coming in as a transfer student. She knows more than those kids who’ve been there two years already.” Dad nods happily, practically bursting with pride. “Plus, the science program at Lakeview is topnotch, and that’s where my daughter belongs. I’m proud of you, honey.”
I blush, shooting a look at Caleb.
“Dad,” I say, looking down. “I just like science, so I work hard.”
“And you’re damn good at it too,” Frank chortles while taking a big bite of meatloaf. “I tell you, Caleb, I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t offered to pay Lori’s tuition because Lakeview is small, but they’re private. I couldn’t believe it when I got that tuition bill in the mail. Fifty-seven thousand dollars for one year? The top of my head practically blew off! It’s highway robbery.”
Suddenly, Frank’s mouth snaps shut and he looks at me. But it’s too late because the cat’s out of the bag.
“What do you mean?” I ask slowly, looking at dad before shooting a puzzled glance at Caleb. “Wait a minute. Mr. Minor, you’re the one paying my college tuition?”
Caleb’s blue eyes flash, looking from my dad and then back to me. There’s a hint of steel in them, but then his expression softens.
“Yes,” he answers simply. “Your dad asked me for help, and as old friends, it wasn’t a huge deal. I’m happy to assist.”
Across the table, my father groans loudly. “Crap, I’m so sorry, both of you – I didn’t mean to spill the beans.” Then he turns to me. “You weren’t supposed to know, honey, but yes, Caleb’s been lending a helping hand. Actually, he’s footing all of the bill, so it’s more than a helping hand.” My dad looks profoundly grateful, but our handsome guest just shrugs again.
“It’s fine,” Caleb says in a smooth tone, his voice like deep honey. “Again, it’s not a problem at all.”
Meanwhile, I gape as my mouth opens and closes without sound, feeling like a fish out of water. What the hell? Why is this stranger paying for my tuition? Plus, it’s so much money, so how can my parents even think to do this?
But Margaret just bites her bottom lip, looking embarrassed herself. “Oh sweetheart, you’re such a good student and you deserved to move on from that community college. You deserve to get a four-year degree because you’re smart, honey, and Dad and I wanted you to transfer. It’s just that Lakeview is private, so it’s expensive.”
I gape.
“But you told me it was fine! I mean, you said you and Dad could manage,” I stammer, my cheeks heating.
Frank shakes his head.
“We could, but you know that Henderson Electrical hasn’t been doing well lately. If we dug into our savings, we could send you to Lakeview, but it would mean emptying our retirement accounts. It was a tough situation honey, because we wanted to do right by you but at the same time, early withdrawals from a 401(k) is a big deal, even to invest in our daughter’s education. And you know your mom and I only have one retirement account because Mom stayed home to raise you.”