Page 29 of Paying My Dad's Debt (Forbidden Fantasies 53)
Instead of looking disgusted, Caleb merely looks pleased.
“Good, sweetheart. I want you eating for two. Besides, you look better with the extra weight.”
I giggle while rubbing my hands over my tummy.
“I do?”
He nods.
“Fuck yeah. I love having all that extra flesh to kiss, baby. And you seem juicier down there too. You’re wetter for sure.”
“Well, I’m not sure if that has to do with the extra weight, but we’ll see,” I wink. But then, I change the subject. “Oh by the way, my parents say hi.”
Caleb nods, but then grins.
“Yeah, it was quite a shock for them to find out about us, wasn’t it? But I say hi to Frank and Margaret too. Tell them I’m taking good care of their daughter and future grandchild.”
I nod and laugh because to be honest, my parents have been pretty good sports, considering everything I’ve put them through in last few months. At first, they couldn’t believe I was dating my dad’s old Army buddy, and immediately assumed the worst. But then, when they heard about the assault, they were relieved that Caleb was with me. After all, some aspects of the military you never forget, and they knew I was safe with the handsome veteran.
Most important, however, is their future grandchild. Frank and Margaret were beyond ecstatic to find out that I was pregnant, and pretty much accepted my relationship with Caleb after that. We Facetime with them on a regular basis, and I miss them after months at sea.
“So yeah, my parents are fine but guess what else?” I ask brightly.
My boyfriend grins.
“Well, I talked to Monica the other day.”
Caleb blinks before recognition sets in.
“Oh right,” he muses. “Your lab mate, right?”
I laugh. “Yes, my classmate who shares a lab with me. Anyways, Monica was telling me that there’s this new professor teaching organic chemistry.”
“Oh?” he asks. I giggle.
“Yeah, and apparently he’s super hot and so maybe I should go back to college, just to check him out.” I stick my tongue out at my boyfriend, teasing him even though I know he’s not jealous at all.
Instead, Caleb growls and slides down to sit next to me. He pulls my face to his and whispers, “No way are you going back to school in Michigan. I won’t allow it.”
I let out an easy laugh. “I’m kidding. Besides, Monica is already head over heels for this new professor and I heard he’s super old, too.”
Caleb cocks an eyebrow. “How old is old are we talking?”
“Like ancient,” I jest. “Forty-five is the word on the street.”
Caleb leans back his head and roars with laughter. “Well then, he’s still a young man,” he laughs. “This professor dude has plenty of energy for dealing with sassy co-eds like Monica.” But then, my boyfriend leans forward and kisses me deeply. “Not to mention sassy co-eds like you, Lor.” I melt into him, already feeling the tell-tale bulge of his hardness against my tummy.
“Hmm, I shouldn’t tease you because it’s just going to get me in trouble, isn’t it?”
Those blue eyes flare.
“Fuck yeah. You know I love a pregnant woman’s shape. There’s nothing like giving it to you deep, Lori, knowing that you have my child inside.”
I giggle again.
“You’re so dirty! Okay, so who’s been watching pregnancy porn recently?”
My man grins, his blue eyes flashing.
“Not me, because why stream a video when I can get the real thing?” he asks with a wink. “Fuck yeah.”
“OMG, you’re so bad!” I exclaim again, lightly swatting his arm with a small palm. “Our child is going to be sooo traumatized hearing you talk like that.”
Caleb merely smirks. But then his expression grows serious.
“Actually honey, I wanted to ask you something. I want our baby to grow up in a two-parent home, with all the bells and whistles that come with being married. So I was wondering if you’d become Mrs. Caleb Minor? What do you think?”
Caleb asks the question in such a straightforward manner that at first, I’m stunned. But then, just as quickly, I squeal in delight.
“Yes, yes I’ll marry you,” I whisper before taking his hands. I try to stand, but literally can’t get up given my huge baby belly.
Caleb chuckles and helps me to my feet before pulling a ring from his pocket and dropping to one knee. “A natural black diamond for a rare and wonderful woman,” he breathes in a worshipful tone. “For you, Lorraine. I hope you like it.”