Page 27 of Paying My Dad's Debt (Forbidden Fantasies 53)
“But now we know the truth,” the official reassures him. “So we’ll change the strategy to fit the new circumstances.”
My boyfriend shakes himself out of it then, his features stern.
“Good,” he says. “I’m going to have some of the guys from my team follow up on the protection detail, too.”
“Of course. You have my contact information, Mr. Minor. Have a good day.”
With that, the man leaves and Caleb shuts the door, turning to look at me. He takes in my wan face and slumped shoulders, and immediately comes to sit next to me on the mattress.
“Honey are you okay?” he asks, slipping one big hand over my belly. “They’ll keep a detail outside our room, and I have my own guys handling some security too. We’re safe now.”
I merely shake my head.
“But what was that about?” I ask. “And what was so surprising?”
Caleb takes a deep breath, his gaze measured. “Do you really want to know? The knowledge might freak you out.”
I bite my lip, considering the question. To be honest, it would be wonderful to live a life of ignorance, but then I look down at my tummy, imagining the little life already growing inside of me. A child is coming, Lori, I think. You need to be prepared to handle anything, no matter how difficult to swallow.
“Just tell me,” I direct my boyfriend.
He nods and speaks in a low, calm voice.
“Well, you’re a genius, honey. This oppodium thing is a breakthrough in chemistry, and you know they’ve been looking for a way to neutralize picadine for a while. When you submitted your research findings to various science journals, word got out, and to some of the wrong people, apparently. There are arms dealers who have been looking for ways to weaponize oppodium, among other chemicals.”
“Weaponize?” I blink. “Yeah, but my product is a pregnancy test!”
“I know.” Caleb sighs before continuing. “It’s a crazy story, but apparently a rebel group in East Africa was desperate to get their hands on the invention and…” he pauses, looking pained.
“And what?” I demand, wanting to know the full story, no matter how frightening it might be.
“They wanted to get their hands on you, Lori. They wanted to abduct you. It was never about Minor Consulting, or any of the work my company’s done in war-torn lands. This assault was directed at you.”
My heart begins beating rapidly and I feel nauseous. I leap up and start pacing in front of the bed, trying to wrap my mind around this new bit of information.
“What was the rebel group thinking?” I demand heatedly. “That I was just going to make them a bunch of weapons? That they could just hold a gun to my head and I’d be able to churn out science projects on demand? I mean, I developed a freaking pregnancy test, for crying out loud! You can’t just go around dousing flamethrowers with green juice every day.”
Caleb nods and stands before placing his hands on either shoulder.
“I know, but evidently, they were hoping that your genius was going to help them develop their chemical weapons capabilities in some form or fashion. No one’s clear on how it was going to work, and that probably goes for the rebel group too. You know how these organizations are. Hell, they’re sometimes barely even organized at all. They’re mostly just disgruntled boys who like to march around playing death games.”
I shake my head.
“Unbelievable. So they were going to lock me in a room and make me develop new weapons for them? Really?”
Caleb shakes his head and sighs.
“No one knows, Lori,” he reiterates. “This is still a mystery.”
Finally a sob breaks free from my chest, and Caleb pulls me close.
“Oh god,” I cry out in anguish. “This is so fucked up.”
He strokes my wild curls.
“Shhh. We don’t have to talk about this anymore tonight. Just rest. You’ve been through a lot.”
But I pull away, tears making tracks down my cheeks.
“Yes, but am I safe now?” I manage through choked cries. “If they’re so crazy and unhinged, will I ever be safe? Is our baby safe?”
Caleb pulls me tightly against him, and I melt bonelessly into his embrace, still crying piteously.
“You are safe, baby,” he replies in a fierce voice. “This attack was a one-off and we won’t be hearing from those fuckers again.”
I lift my head.
“You promise?” I whisper.
“Absolutely,” he growls. “I won’t let anyone hurt you or our child. Not only that, but I can’t believe how incredibly brave you are, Lori, not to mention smart and resourceful. I’m honored to be with you, honey.”
“Stop,” I whisper, but inside, my heart calms a bit. Peace and well-being settle into my bones, and for the first time in what feels like forever, I genuinely think we’ll be okay.
But then I jerk my head up.
“Sorry to spring the pregnancy on you like that,” I say. “I’m sure a jar of green liquid isn’t what you had in mind.”