Page 15 of Paying My Dad's Debt (Forbidden Fantasies 53)
I giggle once more. “Okay, fine, I watch porn,” I finally confess. “It’s a guilty pleasure. You caught me.”
“Hmm,” Caleb growls, his lips beginning to trace a line along my sensitive collarbone. “We’re going to have to go further down this path because I’d like to know exactly what you’re doing in your free time. DILF porn, huh? What else are you watching?”
I smile coyly even as my thighs clench with need.
“Well, have you heard of Whitezilla?” I ask in a sly tone.
He shakes his head, blue eyes flashing.
“Unfortunately, no, sweetheart. It seems you’re much more well-versed in these things than I am.”
I laugh lightly, trailing one finger down to the bulge in his jeans.
“Well, it’s like Godzilla, except we’re talking about down there. Whitezilla is when there’s a white guy with a big you-know-what, and I’d say that’s you,” I breathe, squeezing his hardness through his jeans. My man chokes a bit, his staff already like steel even through the heavy fabric, and I titter again. Clearly, we won’t be watching the rest of the movie tonight. Heck, I don’t even remember which one we were watching at this point.
But then, I feel Caleb withdraw somewhat. Not physically, because his heat is right here in my hand, but mentally, I can feel him pull away a little. Immediately, my heart races.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. “What happened?”
I gently move my hand away from his groin and up to one chiseled cheek, memorizing the stark planes of his face.
“You were teasing me about being a DILF,” my lover says slowly, “but it’s important to me that I’m honest with you about a few things. Before we keep going with this relationship, I mean.”
I swallow hard, but manage to keep my cool, on the surface at least. Ugh, things just took a left turn, and I have no idea why. Is Caleb having doubts about my age again? Or is this about the tuition payments? OMG, is he going to break up with me, even though our relationship has been going so well? But I swallow my doubts and face him.
“You can tell me anything,” I say in a confident tone. “So what is it?”
Caleb sighs once more and shifts so that he’s looking straight into my eyes, his blue gaze serious.
“It’s about my wife.”
My heart drops with a thud. Oh shit. This isn’t going to be good.
“Your wife?” Lori asks in a confused tone, pulling back immediately. “But what about her? I thought you were divorced.”
“I am,” I say quickly. “Sorry. Ex-wife is what I meant. Honestly, it’s all still a little strange and new.”
Lori blinks rapidly but nods. “Okay, but what do you mean by new?”
I sigh and decide to share everything with the curvy girl. I trust her to be discreet, but more importantly, I want to be open in order to foster trust.
“I guess I just want to be honest. As a dad in his 40’s, I have a history and before we delve even further into this relationship, I just want you to know more. Even the warty parts, because anyone my age is going to have some skeletons in their closet.”
“Okay,” Lori says slowly. “What did you want to tell me?”
I take her hands in my own, and begin.
“Well, Leonora and I started our divorce proceedings over two years ago, but you know how these things go. It took a long time to work through custody, property division, and alimony, so it dragged on a while. Plus, we were trying to keep things civil for Weston, which was a struggle. And then there were some financial complications, given my wealth and assets. It ain’t easy to be rich, sweetheart,” I say in a wry tone.
Lori blinks a little. “I can see. It would be easier to divide if you had nothing at all.”
I nod.
“Yes, but I have a lot, and I wasn’t trying to rip Leonora off. I appreciate her contribution to our marriage, which lasted a good long while. So yes, it took time.”
My beautiful girl nods slowly.
“So when did things wrap up?”
I sigh then, feeling weary already.
“Believe it or not, we actually only finished the process about two months ago. Yes, it took that long.”
Lori bites her bottom lip, clearly working to process this information. I know that she had been aware that I was married before, but I’m not sure she knew how recent my divorce is. Then again, being married to Leonora was tumultuous. Everything about the woman is intense, and marriage had never been simple, nor was it really ever all that happy. Weston was the only reason that I fought to stay in it for as long as I did.
“Are you glad that it’s over? Sorry, I’m not really sure how to ask that question.” Lori stares at me, biting her lip.