Page 6 of My Lover, My Stalker (Forbidden Fantasies 52)
It’s crazy because I’m an ex-con and what I’m doing is clearly illegal. Yet when I saw Olly at the grocery store a couple weeks ago, I couldn’t help myself. I followed her out into the parking lot, and then trailed her to her house. Then, against my better instincts, that night, I let myself into her cottage for the first time, watching her as she slept. The lock was nothing. As a former criminal, I was able to get it open with a letter opener in about three seconds.
So yeah, I’ve been watching Olly Pence as she sleeps. It sounds weird and freaky, but she’s gorgeous, and I enjoy seeing the innocent young girl’s curves rise and fall as she dreams in her little bed. Plus, last night, I got a special treat. I was there in the shadows in her bedroom, not making a sound, as Olly touched herself. It was wild, watching her pleasure herself, pretending like she was with a man. Her ivory skin glimmered in the moonlight, those rose-tipped breasts lifted to the sky as she cried out in bliss. Then she came hard, and I followed her right over the cliff a few moments later, even if my climax was totally silent. Unfortunately, there was so much fluid that my seed stained her cream-colored carpet last night. Will she see the splotch and wonder what it is?
I shake my head, imagining the moment. She’d never suspect what happened, probably thinking that it’s spilled ice cream or some other liquid. After all, Olly didn’t know I existed until five minutes ago, much less realize that I’ve been watching her in the darkness of her bedroom.
“You need any help, Jason?” Jerry asks, his head popping out from beneath the Chevy in the bay. “I just finished up here.”
I shake my head.
“Naw, I’m good. Give that guy a call and let him know his vehicle’s ready, then feel free to take a smoke break until our next order comes in.”
Jerry gives me a salute. “You got it, boss. Holler if you need me.”
He saunters into the small office attached to the garage, disappearing with a whistle, leaving just Olly and me alone in the cavernous space.
“Thank you again, Mr. Benning,” she says in a soft, sweet voice. “This is seriously saving my ass. I don’t know what I would have done without you because this is an emergency and I have no time.”
I nod, giving nothing away because in fact, I already know that she’s busy. Olly goes to school while working shifts as a maid for some cleaning company. Between the two, she’s got no spare time.
“Sure, it’s no problem,” I say in a casual growl before turning to her Rabbit. “It might take a little longer with your vehicle though. I didn’t even know VW Rabbits still existed. I thought they’d hit the junkyard long ago.”
She giggles. “Yeah, the Rabbit, or Rabby as I like to call her, has over 200,000 miles on it, but she still runs, and she’s my baby. I take good care of her most of the time. I just didn’t have time these past few months to get in for an oil change when I normally do.”
I nod and take a turn around the car. The thing is rusted and worn-down, with tires that are practically bald with over-use. This thing is probably a junk heap riding on four wheels.
“Give me a sec,” I growl before heading to the back of the garage to grab the sample we keep to show how tires age. “This is what a wheel should look like,” I say, trailing a hand over the dark rubber. “And look at how yours are.”
The comparison is stark. Her tires are bald and smooth, like an old man’s head. It’s a miracle she hasn’t slid off the road yet.
Olly flushes. “Okay, they look bad, but I really can’t afford new tires right now. Please just do the oil change for me. Is that okay? That’s all I came here for.”
I pause for a moment. There’s no way I could let her drive off with the junker in this shape.
“How about I change the tires for you on the house? It’s not safe, Miss Pence. Seriously. It’s no problem.”
She backs away with her hands up. “Oh no, no, I couldn’t. Thank you so much but my tires will be fine until I save up the cash to get them fixed. It’s not a big deal because I don’t drive that much, and just on local roads too so it’s totally safe.”
I can’t tell her that I know she’s lying because in fact, Olly drives all the time for work and for school, which is probably why her wheels are in such rough shape. The Pennsylvania Turnpike will do that to you.