Page 23 of My Lover, My Stalker (Forbidden Fantasies 52)
At that, Olly jumps up from the couch and starts screaming. She pounds on my shoulders with her fists. I stand, and she can’t quite reach so she begins punching at my stomach with all the force in those small arms. Still, relative to my huge size, Olly’s petite and can’t hurt me.
“I’m sorry, Olivia. Please, forgive me.”
“No!” she screams again. “Leave! I hate you! I never want to see you again, and I can’t believe you did this!”
“I’m sorry,” I say in an anguished tone. “I would do it all over if I could.”
She merely shakes her head, eyes filled with rage.
“Sorry my ass! Get the fuck out!”
With that, I make my way to the door, Olly still punching and kicking me as I walk, before letting myself out. The front door slams in my wake with a resounding shudder, and my shoulders slump. I stand on the porch for far too long listening to her scream and sob on the other side.
“I’m sorry, Olly,” I say, my voice low. “I love you. My actions were despicable, and I hate myself for what I did.”
Then, I turn on my heel and trudge to my car. It’s pitch black outside now, and I hope we didn’t wake her neighbors. Then again, they’re the least of my concerns. I don’t give a fuck about them because I just want things to be good between me and my girl again. Yet how can they be? I’ve revealed my two deepest secrets: that I’m a criminal, and that I’ve been taking her each night under very dubious circumstances. She shouldn’t forgive me because my actions are inexcusable.
Getting into my truck, I slump against the wheel for a moment and to my surprise, there’s wetness on my cheeks. I never cry, and yet here we are. I’ve ruined the best thing in my life, and now, I’ll never see the beautiful Olivia again.
I blink three times, my eyes bleary and clouded. My mind is numb and my body feels oddly lifeless. Then again, nothing could have prepared me for what I learned last night.
After all, I haven’t slept since I shoved Jason out my front door. How could I? After what he told me, I don’t think we can stay together. Not only did he violate my privacy, but he violated me in the most intimate way. He came to me every night, and it wasn’t just in my dreams. It wasn’t just fantasy. We were making love, with me asleep while he possessed my curves.
What the fuck drove him to do that? It’s such a creeper thing to do, not to mention criminal. And this whole time, I thought there was something wrong with me because he never wanted to do more. Of course he didn’t. He didn’t have to, because he was getting his rocks off with me while I slept!
I sob into my hands. How can this be happening?
Someone knocks on my door and my heart sinks. Has Jason come back to pour salt in my open wound? I’m going to kick his ass if it’s him. Grinding my teeth together, I stomp to the front door and fling it open. But it’s not Jason. It’s just my friend Janelle, looking perky with a paper bag in her hands.
“Good morning!” Janelle chirps when I open the door. “I thought you could use some breakfast.”
“I’m not in the mood,” I snarl.
She studies me while coming in. “What happened? Are you not feeling good? Is the baby okay?”
I let out a huge sigh and look down before plopping down at the kitchen table. “The baby is fine, but I’m not. I don’t know if I ever will be again.”
Janelle nods sympathetically while opening up the paper bag to pull out two steaming cups of coffee as well as two bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches. My friend has been a saint ever since I found out I’m pregnant. She’s been coddling me, and has been very supportive, especially since I thought I was losing my mind.
“Tell me everything,” she commands. “What happened? What’s got your goat?”
At that, the tears start again, and I rub my fists against my eyes.
“Janelle, everything is so messed up. I can’t believe this fucking hell-hole that’s my life.”
She plonks down too and fixes me with a look.
“Explain, now.”
I tell her everything, from my sessions with my therapist, to the truth finally coming out last night. Janelle holds my hand as I talk, her expression veering between disbelief, horror, shock, and finally disbelief again.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she whispers when I finish. I nod, tears spilling from my eyes.
“I wish, but no, it’s all true. He snuck into my house almost every night to have sex with my sleeping body, and now I’m having a baby with him.”
She shakes her head.